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"do you like got7?"

as of right now, hyunjin and minho are in the car. on their way to wherever hyunjin was taking them.

after walking in on seunglix almost doing it on minho's bed, he told dori to scratch his eyes out. but dori did nothing but yawn and switch her sleeping position.

"pfft, do i like got7? i fricking love them," minho replied to hyunjin's question.

hyunjin's eyes lit up. "oh really, do you have a bias?" he asked minho whilst laying a hand on his thigh.

minho blushed as the younger's hand rubbed his thigh. he rolled his eyes. "pfft, do i have bias? of course i do. what's up with you and these dumb questions," it meant to come out as a question but came out as a statement.

it was hyunjin's turn to roll his eyes. "okay~ who is it?" he was very curious.

"jackson mother-flipping wang, he's just so amazing. his voice is just the deepest and he's personality and humor is just-" minho cut himself off. "but enough about him and me, who's your bias?"

minho placed his hand on top of hyunjin's. "oh, it's jinyoung," he smiled shyly. "he is not only my bias, but my idol. he inspires me a lot. he's an amazing actor. his voice is so soothing. sometimes, at night, i listen to my youth or the day so i can go to sleep. but-"

he glanced over at minho, only to found him staring. "wh-what?" he asked, looking back at the road.

"nothing. you must really like jinyoung, huh?"

"like him? i love him! i hope to meet him one day. just so i can thank him for being a big inspiration to me," hyunjin went from holding minho's thigh to his hand.

minho smiled lovingly at hyunjin. "oh! don't worry, we will. we'll meet all of got7. together," he squeezed to younger's hands. to assure him he meant it.

"and 2pm, of course," they laughed

"thank you," they smiled at each other.

a silence fell over them. it was a comfortable one. after five minutes, minho spoke up,

"wang gae."

hyunjin quickly looked over at the other. then he started to giggle. "park gae."

"no way."

the pair finally made it to their date location. and minho was in awe.

"there's no way you brought me here," he shook his head. not believing his eyes.

hyunjin smiled. he grabbed minho's hand and walked up to the front. like a gentleman, he paid for his and minho's way in.

the younger had a bag. with an extra sweater and other winter accessories.

"i remember you telling me how jeongyeon used to take you here all the time," he looked at minho as he seen the older on the urge of crying. he started to panic, "w-we can leave if you wa-" (a/n seo jeongyeon. not yoo.)

he was cut off by a tight hug from minho. "thank you. thank you so much," minho squeezed his eyes shut. letting tears fall from them in the process.

they pulled away. hyunjin grabbed his bag and pulled out his extra sweater. he put it on minho, knowing the other would complain about being cold. after he pulled out ear muffs and gloves.

the both put on the accessories. "let's go get our skates," hyunjin said rather confidently.

"minho, minho, minho, please don't let me go!"

minho chuckled. "hyunjin, we've been on the ice for like twenty minutes. i would've thought you would've gotten the hang of it."

hyunjin held on to the older's arm for dear life. not ever planning on letting go.

minho stopped their movements. he stood in front of hyunjin. he placed his hands softly on his cheeks and looked in his eyes. "hey, hey, hey, you got this jinnie. i believe in you. try not to hold on to my whole arm and just my hand, okay?"

hyunjin let out a deep breath. he nodded. minho smiled and grabbed his hand. "it's just like you're walking, jinnie. you won't fall. i'm here," he grip tighten on hyunjin's hand.

after a while, hyunjin got it down. they were both laughing and having the time of their lives.

hyunjin pulled minho to the middle of the rink. he gently placed his hands on minho's hips. the other wrapped his arms around hyunjin's neck.

the night sky has fallen. trillions of stars are in the sky, twinkling. but the only star that matters right here, right now, is minho.

minho's eyes twinkle. he has the most beautiful eyes. hyunjin thought.

minho eyes scanned the younger's face. he has the most handsome.. face. minho giggled at his own thought.

"what's so funny?" minho snapped out of his thoughts and gasped softly. he's so close.

hyunjin tilted his head slightly as he leaned closer. the tip of his nose softly brushed against minho's cheek. as for his lips, they were already pressed against the older's lips.

the kiss was soft.. at first.

minho felt the younger asking for entrance. he happily granted it and open his lips slightly. hyunjin didn't hesitate to slide his tongue in. exploring minho's mouth.

minho felt hot. and that's saying something because they were standing on ice.

minho let out a moan and that was enough for hyunjin to go crazy.

he quickly pulled away. minho whimpered at the lost but quickly silenced himself as he saw the lust in hyunjin's eyes.

they were panting. the two boys didn't notice they attracted a crowd of people until someone let out a wolf whistle.

minho hid his face behind his hands. he was so flustered. meanwhile, hyunjin snaked his arm around the smaller and drag him out of there.

"let's uh," minho looked at hyunjin with knowing eyes. minho blushed as he asked, "go to my house, yeah?"

hyunjin smirked and licked his lips. "i like that idea, baby."

minho thought he couldn't get more red. but he was wrong.

as they speed walked to the car, hyunjin stopped and pulled minho close to him.

"i-i know this is a weird way to ask but," he closed his eyes and let out a breath through his nose, "uh will you be my boyfriend?"

he opened his eyes to be greeted by minho, with a smirked on his face.

said boy shrugged. he patted hyunjin's chest and said, "let's see how good the sex is, then we'll talk."

he pushed him away lightly and went to the passenger side of the car. with the same smirk.

hyunjin was left dumbfounded. then he grinned and shrugged as well, "let's see how good the sex is then."



happy new year!

um, this book was named after a lyric in the song 'face' by got7. even if you don't stan, please listen to the song, it's so good!

thank you for reading this book. i love you guys and your comments. your comments are what keep me going!

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