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with everything that went down with jisung the other night, the pair still decided to go on their date.

it was now saturday. hyunjin and hwiyoung went home, leaving minho to get ready for their date later that night.

minho, of course, called seunglix to help out.

"so, do you like know where he's taking you?" seungmin asked, looking in minho's closet. he was pulling at half of his clothes and judging them.

"um, no," minho replied. he quickly pulled his phone out to text him.

bundle baby 💙
where are we going tonight?

my prince 💘
that is a surprise..

bundle baby 💙
ugh! now i have no idea what to wear 😾

my prince 💘
lol. just wear something comfortable. like sweats or one of those cute sweaters you have. something that'll keep you warm.

bundle baby 💙
oh no. you're not planning on taking me to antarctica and throwing me into the freezing cold water, are you? as exciting as that sounds, i could get hypothermia!! yk hoe i feel at that bitch hypothermia 😾😾

bundle baby 💙

bundle baby 💙
yk what, i'm going to get sooni, doongi and dori to pounce on your bitch ass if you try that shit. scratch that beautiful face of yours too. 😾

my prince 💘

my prince 💘

bundle baby 💙
a lot of things..

my prince 💘
minmin, i love your mind. the way you think.. amazing. but i would never do that.. 🙁

bundle baby 💙
teehee.. yay! 😸

bundle baby 💙
whoops. gtg, seungmin is scolding at my fashion sense. see you later! toodle loo 😽

—end of text—

"ugh! what the hell even is this? a-a damn trench coat?! when the hell did you even get this? who wears trench coats nowadays?!" seungmin went on and on as he threw clothes on minho's bedroom floor.

felix and minho were just sitting on the older's bed. staring at seungmin who looked more nervous for the date than minho was.

"i literally hope you're planning on cleaning this all up when we're done here," minho said with a raised eyebrow. he crossed his arms, glaring at seungmin. "hyunjin said to wear something comfortable. like a sweater."

seungmin thought for a second, then he gasped very loudly. he started digging in minho's closet like there were day6 concert tickets in there.

minho looked at felix, "i've known this kid my entire life and i've never seen him like this before."

the aussie turned to minho with a smile on his face. "he's just really happy. he wants this first date with hyunjin to be special. he always tells me that he is glad that you and jisung aren't together anymore. he saw how possessive jisung was. he's glad that you found hyunjin. and hey," felix nudged his arm, "seungmin told me about you having a crush on him even before jisung," he wiggled his eyebrows and winks.

minho giggles and blushes. he looks towards seungmin. he is glad to have a best friend like him. a supportive one. he couldn't ask for a better one.

"a-ha," seungmin exclaimed, scaring minho, felix and the three cats, "this is it, this is the outfit," he pushes it into minho's arms along with underwear. "go! go take a shower! hurry!"

minho got up. giving seungmin a weird look before rushing off to the bathroom.

seungmin sighed and fell next to his boyfriend. felix chuckled and wraps his arms around the other's waist. the cuddled together on the older's bed. "is this how having kids is going to feel?" he asked felix.

felix laughs at the younger. he kissed his temple before rubbing his tummy softly. he rubs the other's tummy to calm him down. or relax him. "maybe, but we aren't there yet," he gave his boyfriend a stern look.

seungmin hummed and smiled softly. he was being relaxed by felix rubbing his stomach. "don't worry about them, babe. i have a feeling they are going to work out. hyunjin is a good guy. he may look intimidating at first but once you get to know him he's the most kindhearted person you'll ever meet," felix whispered in seungmin's ear before adding, "maybe a bit of a crackhead but that's besides the point."

seungmin started giggling. felix could feel his stomach shaking from laughing. felix just looks at his boyfriend with fondness in his eyes.

the other's giggles died down. he turned his head to meet felix's eyes. as he turned their noses touched. he looked up and said, "minho is too. but you can't talk because you're just as much as a crackhead as both of them combined," he smirked at felix.

felix moved his head closer to where their lips were slightly touching. "mmm, yes that is very very true," he stated as his pressed their lips together.

felix licked the younger's bottom lip. he wanted to explore his mouth. every inch of it. but, of course, seungmin was being stubborn and not letting him in.

felix grabbed a fist full of his hair and tugged at it. causing seungmin to gasp. felix took the opportunity to slip his tongue into his mouth. his tongue danced with seungmin's which caused him to moan softly.

he moaned loudly when felix started to tug and bite at his bottom lip. said boy grabbed seungmin and place him on his lap. seungmin was now straddling felix which only made the make out session hotter.

the older placed his hands on seungmin's ass softly. he took his mouth from the other mouth and starting leaving little marks on his neck. seungmin moaned as his hands were pulling at felix's hair.

seungmin moved forward at little, which caused their members to brush slightly against each other. felix groaned against his neck. and seungmin threw his head back at the slight feeling.

he placed his hands on felix's shoulders and whispered, "we should stop," though he didn't want to.

felix moved his hands to the others waist. his pushed him down and started rolling his hips. the pair let out moans and groans at the pleasure of their members rubbing together.

seungmin moved to take off his shirt before,



how was that little scene? i never wrote one before until now. 👉👈

tbh seunglix stay winning. 😌

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