Chapter 18

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Kaitlyns POV
It's Halloween already and we're dressing up I'm dressing up like the purge

Kaitlyns POV It's Halloween already and we're dressing up I'm dressing up like the purge

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My costume
My brother dressed up as the grim reaper

My costume My brother dressed up as the grim reaper

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And my little sister Kendra was dressed as moana

We all looked nice and we took pictures before we left and I heard my mom saying that we were gonna pick up Riley's friend and I was like what friend and he said Cesar and then my heart started beating fast that name were have I heard it and then ...

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We all looked nice and we took pictures before we left and I heard my mom saying that we were gonna pick up Riley's friend and I was like what friend and he said Cesar and then my heart started beating fast that name were have I heard it and then it all comes back too me my ex Cesar that I missed so much the one who took my virginity away omg I'm finally gonna get too see him again
And the we get too the store cause there gonna pick him up and my mom buys some stuff cause we always go too my tias house and then I see someone and I realize it's Cesar I get so happy and he says hi too me and we're smiling at each other his costume is so cute
He had only a mask but it was a big head a Wolfe or dog like idk
But then we drive off and get down and we start trick or treating and then me and Cesar are close too each other I told my mom that we'll catch up and so I grab his hand and we smile at each other.
Cesar: you know I missed you so much kaitlyn
Kaitlyn: I missed you too Cesar
And so I pull him too the side behind a tree and I kiss him oh how much I've missed his lips on mine and we start making out he grabs my ass and squeeze it roughly he then slips his tounge in my mouth fighting for dominance but he ofc won and we pull away breathless and head back and continue trick or treating and after that we head home and he stays over our house and it was fun he suddenly goes into my room unexpected while everyone was asleep already and he does something unexpected...

Yay finally back together but sadly something happens how sad 😪😞😅❤️

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