The dare

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{Hey sorry that this one is so short I made it at 11:26 so I am really tired}

Harry looked at Draco and said "I knew you didn't hate us that much." "Whatever!" Draco said back. "Well truth or dare Ginny?" "Dare" Ginny answered. "I dare you to kiss Luna." Luna started to blush as Ginny went over to her and placed a small kiss on her red cheek. Ginny started to blush as well. "Harry truth or dare?" Ginny asked. "Umm....dare I guess." Harry responded. "I dare you to sit in Draco's lap and cuddle with him!" Ginny said with a proud expression on her face. Harry said no but he suddenly got a large pain in his shoulder so he gave in and cuddled him. Draco started to blush as they both started to sink into each other. After a couple more truths and dares they all decided to go back to their common rooms.

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