Common Rooms

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{Draco went with Pansy and Blaise to the Slytherin common room.The golden trio went with Ginny to the Griffen door common room.Luna went to the Ravenclaw common room. After a day they all met up in the great hall during dinner.}

"Draco" Harry called out. Draco spun around and looked Harry in the eyes he then began to speak. "What do you want potter?" Draco asked without much curiosity in his voice. "C-can um can we talk somewhere else- somewhere private?" Harry asked with a concerning tone in his voice.
"Whatever potter I'm bored out here anyways come back to the Slytherin common room in 5 minutes." Draco answered.

~~~In the Slytherin common room~~~

"So Harry what is so important you had to interrupt my dinner?" Draco asked."U-um i u-uh-" "SPIT IT OUT ALREADY" Draco shouted obviously annoyed"I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU!"  Harry shouted. "Um." Draco tried to get out more but all that would come out was um. Harry was so embarrassed that  he ran right out of the Slytherin common room. Pansy and Blaise were entering the common room when he ran out. They both began to stare at Draco as he had sunk into the couch with  a confused look on his face.

{Sorry its a short chapter and it a taken so long to get it out I just haven't been in the mood to write and I also have had a lot of homework}

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