Love Potion

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Before we get started I would like to give this 🏆 to Snape for shipping drarry 👏👏👏👏

~~~~~~~~Potions Class~~~~~~~~

"Ah Mr Malfoy glad you could join us." Professor Snape started "Harry will fill you in." He finished with a smirk. "Whatever" Draco groaned. "So we have the love potion to do and at the end one of us has to test it but this is the kind of love potion that you are drawn to your crush not just a random person." Harry informed Draco "Okay whatever let's just get this over with." Draco sneered. They both finished the potion and Draco took a little without Harry's knowledge.

~~~~Dinner time Harry POV~~~~

Draco approached me at the Gryffendoor table. "Uh h-hey Draco" I said. "Um hi I just wanted to say thanks for coming to get me today." Draco responded "Oh yeah no problem it was just because I know how much you like potions and I would hate for you to blame your F on me!" I responded. "Oh well I still appreciate it." Draco responded. Draco walked away from the Griffendoor table with his head hung low. Hermione hit me with her book and said "How thick are you! He likes you and you just sounded so stupid with your (she said this in a mocking tone) oh yeah I just didn't want you to blame me"
"Wait you think he likes me?!" I asked "Honestly sometimes its scary to think that you are the one who is going to save us from you know who!" Hermione teased. "Whatever!" I responded.

~~~~Draco POV still dinner~~~

I turned to Pansy and asked her if she thought that I did it right. She said yeah and I should just not worry about it but I couldn't just ignore something like that and now I think he might hate me! "DRACO!!" Pansy yelled at me because I hadn't been paying any attention to what was happening everyone was gone to their common rooms and I was just sitting there looking like an idiot thinking about what had happened wondering if he liked me like I like him.

I am really sorry about how long it has taken but my phone broke pretty bad so I can barely type and besides its been Christmas and New Years so its been pretty hectic again im really sorry and I am going to start working on a new chapter very soon!😁

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