The big reveal

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This will be the FINAL part this is the finale of this book and once I hit upload I will not be on this account ever again! Go to Multi_Fandom_Ships that is my other account.

Cafeteria draco's POV

I sat down at the long table as three guys stood up and went to another part of the table. It confused me at first but then I realized. They told everyone. Now me and Potter are the gay guys of the school and nobody is gonna want to be around us. Pansy and Blaise walked up to me and sat down next to me. "Hey man I'm really sorry that everyone is avoiding you" Blaise said sadly. "Yea me too" Pansy added. Just as I started to eat Hermione walked over to me dragging Ron along. "Do you know where he is?" She asked scared. "Harry? No I assumed he was with y'all" I stated. "Well after he ran out of the class because of Ron-" Hermoine started "how many times do I have to say it I'm sorry" Ron butted in "we couldnt find him" She finished. "I would ask people if they have seen him but everyone is avoiding me him too most likely" I said sadly. "I figured people would avoid him but why you?" Ron asked. "Because after y'all left all the guys were trying to figure out who he liked. I told them he didn't like any of them. They asked how I knew and I told them that he told me he likes me. They asked me why I would let someone like him into our class and I said that I was gay as well. After that I stormed out of the class and now I'm here being avoided by everyone" I said hanging my head low. "Oh I'm ready sorry" Ron said."wait a second." Hermione cut in "what" Pansy asked "if your also gay then... Do you like him back?" Hermione asked genuinely curious. "Yes" I said shamelessly. "Then we have to go tell him before it's too late" Hermione said "what do you mean too late?" Blaise asked "okay he doesn't tell anyone this but I think y'all should know. He's been suicidal for a few years now and I'm afraid that all of this is gonna make him do something he can't take back" Hermione said. "Then we better go find him" I said a little to loud. "Ohhhhhhh look at that Draco Malfoy is going to find his beloved Potter" Said one boy from behind them. " How sweet the fairies are going to live happily ever after." Another boy said. "Ignore them let's go" Ron said. "Yea lets go" I chimed in. We all walked outside when we see something on the roof. It was Harry. We raced to the top of the roof on brroms. Since Hermione and Blaise didn't know how to fly they hitched rides. Hermione flew with pansy and Blaise flew with Ron. I flew alone. We made it up there to see a distraught Harry about to jump. "NO!" I screamed before grabbing him. "Why are you saving me" He asked. "I like you too" I said "you do?" He asked "yea I do" We hugged for a moment when the before mentioned guys came running up behind us. They pushed me and Potter off of the roof. The last thing I said before we hit the ground was "I love you" He said it back and we kissed as our bodies hit the ground.

Hospital Hermiones POV

We waited anxiously for what the doctors had to say. A doctor came out of Harry's room and walked over to us with a sad face. I knew what the news was going to be. "I'm sorry but he's gone" The doctor said as me and Ron started to cry. Another doctor came this time out of Draco's room "I'm sorry to be telling you this but. He's gone" I watched as Pansy and Blaise fell to the floor in tears. After a while we were all at pansy's house. We thought about the two and lived the rest of our lives thinking about them.The boys who pushed them got community service but since they were gay nobody truly cared. They are still alive today doing god knows what. It makes all of us sick.

-Time skip- -it is now 20 years into the future and the boys' memory lives on- -pansy and Blaise are married- -Hermione and Ron are also married-

Pansy's house Hermione's POV

We all came into the house for the 20th anniversary of their deaths. We like to think of it as celebrating their lives not mourning their deaths. We think of them every time I'm alone with Pansy or Ron is alone with Blaise. We decided it's better this way. If nobody ever discovers that Pansy and I are together and Ron and Blaise are together. What we are doing is referred to as "beards" Me and Ron are "married" So nobody gets suspicious of anything I'm actually dating Pansy and Ron is dating Blaise. Pansy and Blaise are also "married" But it's all just for show.

A/N I'm gonna get attacked in the comments I can feel it.

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