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you ran as fast as you can holding a bag

Y/n: "cant catch me old man!"

You kept running until you reached the woods area you can hear the cops cars coming

Y/n: "got to get home fast!"

You ran into the woods you kept looking for the marks on the trees and rocks you made to find home after a while you found it

Y/n: "good to be home"

It was a cave but you had stuff outside of it clothes hanging a bucket and a mini grill you went inside the cave to see more stuff in it there was a bag that had more clothes in a broken mirror a small box that had 3 boxes of matches some soap a tooth brush and a extra pillow you walked to your "bed" it was a old worn out mattress with a blanket and old pillow you sat down and took off your bandana

Y/n: "lets see what we got"

You opened the bag up to see a few items of food a chicken breast some legs an apple a bag of chips and a juice box

Y/n: "yep manage to get some good stuff but dang that was a close call today"

You got up you grabbed a match box and went outside you made a fire to cook up the breast you took a bite of the Apple and began to cook the breast after a while you began to eat as you ate you planned out your next moves

Y/n: "i could go to the church but I don't want to bother them even if sister Annabelle said it's no bother hm I could go back to eating only fruit but it gets boring after a while"

After you were done eating you smell yourself

Y/n: "dang i need to hit the river to bathe hmm-"

You grabbed a bucket it was empty

Y/n: "and some drinking water"

Before you left you grabbed some extra clothes the clothes you had on at the moment were not in the best conditions old shirt with ripped jeans old beat up shoes You walked down to the river once there you take off your clothes and dived in


Once done you are putting on your clothes carrying your bucket of water as you walked the ground was shaking

Y/n: "what the-"

You turned around to see the trees shake you began to hear a growl then one of the beast you keep seeing comes out and it looked mad you dropped your bucket and hid luckily it didn't see you so it didn't know you were hiding in a bush you were breathing a little heavy you tried to control your breathing but the adrenalin and the fear made it hard you kept thinking

Y/n: "just stay still and not get spotted and ill be fine"

The beast stomped on the ground as it walked shaking and scared you stayed put until

???: "YAAAAAAAA!!!"

you heard someone screaming you looked up to see the beast looking around you did the same thing


both you and the beast turned to the left you saw a girl with long hair in a braid style wearing nothing but black clothes and too top it all off she was holding a huge sword the beast swong it's claws at her none of those hits landed the girl dodge all those attacks you watched in impressed but she wasn't so lucky and got hit by the beast she was down for the count your body moved on its own you didn't know what possessed you to pick up a rock and throw it at the beast

Y/n: "hey beast yea you ugly come at me!!!"

The beast turned to you and began to charge at you the second it moved you ran for your life you moved through the bushes and jumped over the rocks but it was fast once you made it to a dead end you quickly turns around to see the beast coming right at you panicking you picked up a stick the beast swinged at you jumping out of the way in time you avoid the hits and you manage to hit it in the face but all that did was get it madder

Y/n: "shit!"

The beast kept running at you trying to stay alive you ran you kept running and running until you hit dead end the beast then let out a massive roar you slowly walked back until you were on the side of the mountain slowly the beast came closer and closer to you growling

Y/n: "shit shit shit!"

The beast let out another roar

Y/n: "why the hell did i do that?! risked my life so she can live?!"

The beast lifted its arm up you knowing that it was the killing swing you sighed

Y/n: "well girl I hope you live a long happy li-"

???: "AHHHHHHH!"

You heard the scream again the beast stopped and turned its head


Out of nowhere 3 woman showed up with weapons came out attacking the beast you saw a boy rushing to you the boy was wearing a pink shirt with a yellow star in the middle took up most of his shirt jeans and sandals with poofy hair came up to you

???: "are you ok?! Are you hurt?!"

You shook your head

???: "I know its a bad time for introductions but im Steven nice too meet you"

You stayed quiet a huge gust of wind hits with a huge poof sound was heard you turned back to the fight to see the girl with the sword triumphing she picked up what looked like a colored work and and gave it to the tall woman with gauntlets you looked around to see everyone distracted you got up and ran as fast as you can from a distance all you heard was

Steven: "hey wait!"

Steven's pov

Steven: "hey wait!"

Pearl: "Steven are you ok?"

Steven: "yea im fine but that kid-"

Garnet: "he is ok he was just scared"

Steven turned to see his best friend Connie

Steven: "Awesome job Connie! You gave it the final hit!"

Steven stared at Connie he notice that she wasn't celebrating a big moment

Steven: "hey Connie are you ok?"

Connie: "huh? Oh uh yea I'm ok I just was thinking"

Steven: "of what?"

Connie: "well- never mind it doesn't matter"

Steven: "are you sure?"

Connie smiled

Connie: "yea come on lets get back to your house"

Connie's pov

On the walk back Connie's mind was all over the place but the one thing that hit her mind was you

Connie: "he saved my life but what was he doing here? Who is he?"

Connie gripped the strap of the scabbard

Connie: "I shouldn't be worried he's fine I hope but it wouldn't hurt to give him my gratitude"

Human Beings (connie x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now