Chapter 2

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Quand je le vois, je ne suis plus moi,

je deviens rouge et parle tout bas

Le souffle court, j'ai le cœur qui bat

After a rather sleepless night, Marinette woke up with dark circles under her swollen eyes. That 5 hours power nap didn't help her state, she felt more tired than she had the day before. She was an active person, after all, inaction only made her feel more tired. To add to this she was also worried about the problem with Sirena. Was she really on their side? She knew her identity... She could use it to blackmail her or use it to turn Chat and her against each other or tell it to Hawk Moth or... Who knew!

To be fair, Sirena was the first person (aside from Master Fu which didn't count) to know her identity and Marinette didn't know how to feel about that. One thing was for sure, things were starting to change, but Marinette didn't know if it was for better or for worst.

"What do you think about Sirena, Tikki?" Marinette asked while getting dressed for the day

"I'm not sure Marinette, but I know she is not an Akuma, I can feel her kwami" Tikki answered from the top of Marinette's mirror where she was sitting eating a chocolate chip cookie

"Right, but is she a good holder or a bad one?"

"It's impossible to know that, Marinette," Tikki said with a calm tone "No one is completely good or completely bad, but only time will tell if she's leaning towards the good or the bad side"

"I guess you're right..."

"But what we can know for sure is if she was telling the truth when she said she had spoken with Master Fu"

"How could she lie about that though? She knew so many things that she could only have known if she spoke with Master Fu"

"Maybe," Tikki answered "But remember she is the holder of the fish miraculous, she can know all of those things just by looking at you," Marinette swallowed hard "However, her miraculous doesn't give her the ability to lie well, and she seemed to be telling the truth, but who knows"

"I guess there's only one way to find out"


Marinette ate her breakfast with her parents and headed out on the streets. It was still very early and the summer weather could still be felt in the air. There were no Akumas in sight, the sun was shining, the birds singing, people running to their jobs and for once Marinette wasn't late for an appointment; but she couldn't let herself enjoy the day, because the only thing in her mind right now was Sirena, more specifically, how was she going to deal with her once Master Fu told her she was nothing more than a vile liar.

She arrived at the Cinema where Master Fu was working, but it was still closed. Which was great, because it meant that only Master Fu was inside. Marinette knocked on the door 4 times in the rhythmic pattern that had become hers and Master Fu password.

"Ah, Marinette," came a voice from behind her that startled her. "You're early," said Master Fu holding a key in his hand to open the cinema for her. Marinette scratched her head. How was it that she was early? She was never early for anything! And then it hit her

"Alya jacked up my phone, I have to fix that, it feels weird to be early" she giggled following him into the dark cinema

"Wait here," Master Fu entered a door near the entrance to the cinema and suddenly all the lights were on. "I have to prepare the cinema for the morning show, but since you're early, I have a few minutes to spare, what can I help you with?" Marinette noticed that Master Fu seemed more at ease than he had the day before. He was breathing normally and didn't seem tired from raking through his belongings looking for the miraculous

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