Chapter 4

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Mais pourquoi?

Je n'ose rien lui dire.

Je le veux que pour moi

Sa lumière, son sourire

Traversant pour un soir

ce mur qui nous sépare

When Chat arrived at Marinette's house she was seated on her desk, seemingly writing something, but all Chat could see were distorted images since something was blocking his view. Regardless, he knocked on the window, this startled Marinette at first, but she stood up to open the window nonetheless.

"Good evening, princess." Chat said and Marinette looked at him with big eyes and opened mouth. "What is it, princess? The cat got your tongue?"

'I wish.' she thought, mentally slapping herself for even thinking something like that, but didn't say anything

"I see you put up curtains." Chat noted as he entered the room, he noticed that it was the curtains that were blocking his view a few moments ago.

Marinette nodded but still was staring at him as if he was a ghost coming straight from the beyond.

"Are you feeling okay Marinette? You seem a little flushed." He went near to her to touch her forehead with his gloved hand, but she turned away.

"Yeah... No, I'm fine! It's just..." She started to walk away but then turned to look at Chat. "You disappeared for a week, and then you come back out of nowhere. How do you expect me to react?" Marinette snapped.

"About that... I'm sorry Mari, I... I've been busy."

"Lot of Akumas to fight?" She asked coldly.

"Yeah... and no." She was taken aback, she was expecting him to lie, but he hadn't, not entirely. "There have been some Akumas, but there always are... the real reason why I didn't come is that I haven't been feeling like myself lately, there are a lot of things I've had to think about..." He told her while reclining on the wall next to the window.

"What kind of things?" She asked nonchalantly.

Chat shrugged and then grinned. "Just things... you know I have a life outside of the mask, and I'm afraid I can't tell much."

"Is it about Karla?" Marinette asked about the girls he had talked about the last time she had seen him, though she was a little embarrassed by her own question it turned out sometimes she forgot that even her friend Chat had to keep secrets from her. She didn't always regret having a double life, but now was one of times she did.

"A little... but that's enough about me." He changed the subject before she could ask anything else, pushing himself from the wall to face Marinette. "Tell me the truth Mari, did you miss me?" He grinned at her putting a hand on his chin.

"No." She answered crossing her arms and turning away.

"No?" slowly, he got closer to her with a smug smile, looking for her face trying to make her look at him.

"No." She repeated turning away from him again.

"Not a single bit?" He got in front of her and adopted his cat posture on the floor.

"Not for a moment."

"Aww, then I'll guess I'll go home then." He said with a pout.

"As you should..." She said trying to hide a smile. "I don't want a stinky cat in my house!"

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