Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Je ne comprends pas ce que je veux,

Je ne peux pas tomber amoureux

D'où vient ce sentiment mystérieux?

It was around those days that things began to change.

Not for me though, I was still suffering from headaches. In fact, that day I had the most terrible one I've ever had in my life. Needless to say, I wasn't paying attention to the class. It was so bad that my body began to shake near the end of the period.

"Are you alright, Alba?" I heard Adrien's kind voice talking to me. This was when I finally opened my eyes to notice that we were nearly the only ones left in the room, other than the teacher, who was staring at me with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just a headache, I'll just take a pill, it'll pass," Though to tell the truth, I felt like I was about to faint.

"Alright, I don't know if you heard, but Professor LeBeau just announced our final project and we're in it together,"

"Ah, can you believe it? The final project of our final year! I can't wait to graduate," I said sluggishly laying my head on my desk,

"I know, I admit I'm gonna miss it here," he sighed, "But come, the project is due tomorrow, we can work on it at the library before we go home. I already told my bodyguard to pick me up later."

"Tomorrow," I said without opening my eyes, "Tomorrow?" I squealed standing abruptly from my chair, "Why didn't you say so!" But the movement made my vision blurry, and I felt lightheaded, it was so bad that Adrien had to hold me so I didn't fall,

"I think you should go to see the nurse first,"

"Good idea." Adrien walked me to the infirmary where the nurse gave me a small green pill to swallow, saying it would make me feel better, and true to her word, I felt way better after a few minutes. Good enough to stand and follow Adrien, who stood guard outside of the door,

"Are you sure you're good enough to go to the library? We could wait a bit more,"

"Isn't the thing due tomorrow? Let's just get it over with," I sighed, I might not be the most responsible girl, but I always turn my assignments in on time. "What is it about?"

"Can't you read my mind?" He joked, giggling nervously,

"Not today kitten, this little head of mine is going through enough distress with my own thoughts, I just can't deal with yours or anyone else's for that matter."

He began to explain that we had to make a book report, and I couldn't imagine how we could do all that in a day.

When we reached the library, all the lights were off, but when Adrien turned them on, people appeared from under desks and behind shelves shouting:

"Happy birthday, Alba!" I was shocked for a moment longer than I want to admit, was it my birthday?

"Did you forget?" Marinette laughed, walking next to me holding a cake in her hands. She motioned for me to blow the candles, and when I did, I began to ask the obvious questions

"What day is today? How didn't I see it coming? How did you make a party in the library? What about the project?" They all laughed and led me to take a seat with them on the carpet floor. Maybe I didn't see the party coming because of my headaches, but how did I forget my own birthday? I was turning 18, 18 for heaven's sake!

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