Chapter 7

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Je ne comprends pas ce que je veux

Je ne peux pas tomber amoureux

D'où vient ce sentiment mystérieux?

"So, you're positive that they don't remember anything," Alix asked as we were eating our lunch at the schoolyard.

"Oh, they remember, but kind of like a memory of a dream, fuzzy and distorted. All I'm worried about now is if it was the right choice," I sighed.

"Well, it's been more than a month now, and old me said that she'd come back in case you messed up." She continued, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"No, but that's the thing!" I exclaimed, "her absence either means that I succeeded or that I screwed up so bad that she's dead and can't come back to warn us."

"Are you saying you're responsible for my death?" She gasped.

"No! Or maybe yes..." She snickered uncomfortably.

"You know what? when I'm older, I'll refuse to come back just to mess with you for that comment."

"Very funny..." I replied crossing my arms. "I already feel terrible for what I did, why do you have to make it worse?"

"Listen, what's done is done, you can't go back in time. I on the other hand can!"

"No, you can't! You will, eventually, but right now you're just my annoying little friend." I giggled tapping her hair.

"Hey! I'm the same age as you! What you mean 'little friend?'"

"Girl, I'm a whole head taller than you."

"Well, joke's on you! Everybody is at least a head taller than me, so you're not too tall yourself!" I shouldered her and then we started laughing. "What I don't understand is why old me wanted to separate Ladybug and Chat Noir! It's like everyone is rooting for them, even though yeah, I'm not much of a LadyNoir shipper, but I wouldn't get into their relationship without a reason."

"Okay, first of all, how dare you?" She started to giggle.

"I didn't know you were such a fan! Especially not after what you did..."

"Oh, don't go there! I only did it because you told me to! And I already want to kill myself because of it! I mean, they gave me a chance, they trusted me and I betrayed them!"

"You did what you had to do..."

"That doesn't change the fact that I'm a traitor, the end does not justify the means!" We stayed silent for a few moments.

"So... are you gonna tell me who Ladybug and Chat Noir are?" I could tell she was trying to lift the tension that had developed around us.

"For everything, there's a season..." I said looking absently at the empty track field in front of us.

"A what, now?"

"Oh well, it's an old saying, it means that there's a time for everything, you need to be patient I assure you, you'll know what you need to know in due time, but I can't share with you something I discovered using my powers, it's part of the M.R.C, remember?"

"Well... do you think I'll be able to recognize them if I see them?"

"Not a chance," I said absently eating one of my chips.

"What, why not?"

"It's called miraculous glamour!" Came Mishell's voice intervening for the first time in our conversation. Alix looked down to where she was seating eating from a bag of chips.

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