Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Portant je le ressens

Ce tourbillon de sentiments

Qui nous emporte au firmament

Dans le soleil et dans le vent

Comme une chance unique

Un tournoiement magique

The next morning Marinette woke up with a start, knowing what she had to do. Transforming into her alter ego, she grabbed her yo-yo and called the one person she longed to see the most.

It was early in the morning, that time when the sky is gray but the sun isn't out yet, but there he was, jumping around the city heading towards the arc de Triomphe.

"My Lady," Chat yawned landing on the huge monument, "Why did you need me so early?"

Before saying anything else, Ladybug ran towards him to hug him. At first, he was shocked, he wasn't expecting such a warm gesture from his lady, but he didn't argue, instead, he enjoyed the moment.

"I don't know what this is about, but I like it," he joked hugging her back.

"I'm sorry Chat," she whispered on his chest.

"You're sorry? About wha—" She cut him off

"It was unfair of me to blame you for Adelynn's death, it wasn't—" He quickly caught on to what she was saying and cut her off.

"No, my Lady, I am sorry! You were right, I'm faster, I should have caught her—"

"No Chat, neither of us could have caught her, we— we gave our best! And yet we failed, but we tried, and I— I can't blame you, it's really nobody's fault."

"It is, it's Hawk Moth's fault." The somber sound of his voice made Ladybug break the embrace and look at him in the eye.

"What does he—"

"He was the one who Akumatized her, he is the one to blame, and I'm gonna make sure he pays for everything he's done," he said clenching his fists.

"Maybe, but assigning the blame to another person won't take away the fact that— we failed, Chat." She hugged herself and looked away. "It doesn't matter who's fault it is— the point is, we failed." Chat looked at her in disbelief, unsure of what to do or say. "But we're not giving up," she continued in a soft voice, "We won't let this happen again, we'll be extra careful and make sure people are safe."

"What if we fail again?" He asked apprehensively.

"Then we'll have each other," she smiled warmly at him and he returned the gesture. "Pound it?" She held out her fist, making him smile even more.

"Pound it!"

As they locked eyes with each other they noticed a streak of orange in the sky. The sun was coming out, and the city was starting to wake up. They sat together on the edge of the monument, observing the spectacle of a new day beginning. At some point, Ladybug put her head on Chat's shoulder but the gesture made him flinch a little. Soon Marinette remembered that he was still wounded from his fall the previous day, but Ladybug wasn't supposed to know that.

"Are you alright, Chat?" He took his hand and placed it on his lap sighing and smiling at her.

"Just a little scratch from yesterday, turns out not all cats land on their feet!" He laughed nervously.

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