Cutely Annoying..

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(Yes I actually searched on the internet if cutely is a real word, and surprisingly it is. So don't worry about it.👌)

(Ingrid's POV)

I grabbed a book from the pile that I brought to my room to read. The sky was a light red as the sun began to set, I sighed and placed my book down. I looked around my room to see something shiny under my bed, I walked over to my bed and bent down to see what it was, "Huh? What are you doing here?" I grabbed the pink heart necklace from the ground and held it in front of me to see.

"My goodness I thought I lost you.." I wrapped it around my neck and looked into the mirror, I smiled as the image of a little me came to mind. With a huge smile on her face holding the necklace tightly in her hands...

-12 YEARS AGO-( Sylvain is 7 and Ingrid is 5)-( Also this back into the past is about 2 months after the incident from chapter 1)

(Young Ingrid's POV)

I giggled quietly as Sylvain was trying his best to catch a frog near the pond. He watched it silently and didn't try to move at all, and he had the most ridiculous face on. "Sylvain why are you trying to catch this frog anyway?" I asked earning and "SHUSH!" from him. "It ate something that I need." Sylvain said moving slowly to the frog. I sighed and continued to watch him, the frog hopped a small hop to the river which made Sylvain flinch. Then taking this as his last chance Sylvain jumped along with the frog into the river. 

"O-oh Sylvain!?" I ran over looking into the pond for him but I couldn't see him. Could he be..drowning? I jumped in the river and began to swim around looking for him, but then when I began to get into the deeper part of the river I didn't even realize that I was beginning to drown.

I felt my body plunge into the deep part of the river, "H-help!" I said choking on the river water. I could feel my lungs start to give out, when I was just about to give up hope I felt something pulling me up to the surface...

When I slowly opened my eyes, I could feel grass underneath my hands, Someone was looking down at me but I couldn't tell who it was. I opened my eyes more and saw Sylvain who had the most worried expression on his face, it brightened a little when he noticed my eyes opening up. "Ingrid! Are you alright?" he asked I felt is hand squeeze mine tightly. "Y-yeah..are you okay? Did you get the frog?" Sylvain grinned and lifted his other hand which had a small bag in his hand, "Yep," but then Sylvain's expression became serious, "but, why did you jump in the river?" I sighed and looked at the river. "I-I thought that you I jumped in and tried to find you.." Sylvain sighed and looked me in the eyes.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it, "Ingrid...don't worry about me. I don't want to see you get hurt anymore because of me.." I nodded as Sylvain smiled. 

"Well then, sorry that a frog ate this..but here, this is for you." I blinked twice before asking, "Wait..what?" Sylvain laughed and opened my hand, he then placed the bag in my hand. "Just open it..." he said waiting patiently. I gulped and slowly opened the bag and smiled, the most beautiful pink heart necklace was inside, I brought out the heart and noticed that it could be opened. I glanced at Sylvain who seemed to be anxiously watching me, I slowly opened the heart and a tune began to play..

"Wow's beautiful.." Sylvain smiled and shrugged, "Ah well, I've been wanting to give you this for your birthday a week ago..but you and your family went on that trip so I couldn't. So it's a late birthday present." he replied. I smiled and hugged him, "Thank you." he sighed and wrapped his arms around me. "You're welcome...." he whispered.

I couldn't help but feel...happy...

-PRESENT-(This is an hour after Ingrid found the necklace.)-

(Ingrid's POV)

"INGRID I DIDN'T MEAN IT! W-WAIT-WHOA!" I continued to grab books and started to throw them at Sylvain.

"YOU PERVERTED IDIOT!" I grabbed the heaviest book I could and threw it straight towards him and it sadly missed. "Ingrid I'm sorry forgive me!" I scoffed and threw another book at him. "Felix! Help me!" Sylvain screamed. Felix looked at him and sighed, "I don't want to waste my time helping you with your problems." Sylvain looked at him and whimpered. Okay so flash back a few minutes, he basically without my permission read my notebook, that had A LOT of personal information! So that's why I'm throwing book after book at him...

"SYLVAIN!" I yelled annoyed looking around for something else to throw but as I grabbed a book to throw at him he was gone. I turned over to Felix, "Where did he go?" Felix sighed and pointed out towards the door, "He ran out awhile ago." I sighed and threw the book back on the ground. I could've sworn I heard Felix laughing, I glared at him as he walked out of the classroom.

I sat down on my desk and sighed, " cute annoying idiot.." I muttered with a smile, holding onto my necklace tightly.


(So yeah this chapter was a doozy>//<, I mean I kinda had fun with this one. I hoped that you have a good day and thank you for reading my work! BYE!)

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