Cake+HS+U (part 2)

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After delivering your last load from food services to everyone working on your hall, you stepped into the restroom to relieve yourself and freshen up before you begin your impromptu assignment-assisting THE Harry Styles with whatever he needed for the remainder of the night. The concert was nearly over, however there were still various activities going on in the facility until early morning, so every artist that had performed that night had access to their dressing room until 2 a.m. at which point the crew would come in and do a quick clean up before janitorial and maintenance staff came in at 4 a.m. to do a full work up of the venue.

After doing a quick touch up on your eyeliner-which is pretty much the only makeup you wear aside from some eyeshadow and chapstick- and tucking your black t-shirt into your 70s-inspired, high waisted flared jeans, you decide you look pretty decent and head back out to find Harry's dressing room.  

Taking a deep breath, you knock on the door. Once. Twice. After the third knock with no answer you tentatively open the door to enter the room, closing it gently behind you. It's not that you were breaking any rules or anything, runners ARE allowed in the dressing room whether the artist is in there or not(obviously needing permission if the room is inhabited at the time)to ensure it is tidy and stocked for the guests, you're just a bit hesitant because you're not technically assigned to Mr. Styles and he's not here to vouch for you should someone else from the venue enter the room and wonder what's going on.

Since you don't know how long Harry will be backstage, you quickly throw a playlist on your phone to a medium volume while you tidy up the room, throwing trash away, straightening up the pillows on the couch, and making sure the bathroom has toilet paper, hand soap, etc. 

Everything was pretty much done, but you really didn't feel like going back out into the madness of the hallway, and you didn't want to sit down in case someone walked in and thought you were slacking off. Just as you were about to suck it up and go back outside, one of your favorite songs, a groovy little number by 5 Seconds of Summer called Talk Fast came on, so naturally you turn it up a couple notches and begin singing and dancing around the room; you'll go back out after this song.

I don't wanna think about a moment with you
I'm kinda hopin' for forever 
I've been dreaming about a knitted sweater for two
God dammit, we look good together

You sing along with the first verse, bopping around a little bit, looking around for something you could use as a pretend microphone.

Would you wait, a moment
Ringing the bell for last call
Would you wait, a moment
Just give me a second, that's all

You spot the bowl of fruit and decide that, of course, a banana is the perfect mic, so you grab it and begin to sway a bit more, getting ready for the chorus.

Talk fast, romance
Won't last, I'm okay with that

You start jumping around, singing a bit louder than you probably should, but hey, at least you sound good, right? Either way, you're singing a bit too loud to hear the doorknob turn and the door begin to creak quietly open.

Burn, crash, romance
I'll take what I can get from you

Wow, you're really feelin' it. You do some weird little kick thing and punch your left hand up in the air a few times with the beat, still singing into your banana mic. You definitely don't see the three men standing in the doorway, slinking their way into the room so they can shut the door.

Talk fast, romance
Won't last, I'm okay with that

No seriously, you're a bit too into it at this point, but the chorus is almost over. You do one more little jump before landing in a wide stance, pointing at the imaginary audience.

Burn, crash, romance
I'll take what I can get from you

Here it is, you put your right foot over your left and drop your fist to your side on 'crash' and then back up so that you can do a full turn while pointing at your imaginary audience on the 'you', except, you notice as you turn...oh God...the audience isn't imaginary anymore. You choke out the last note, flushing a bright shade of red before rushing over to your phone and hitting pause on your music. All while three sets of eyes watch you with amusement, each of them with some level of smirk on their face.

You clear your throat awkwardly and decide to just own it before looking up. Looking each of them in the eye in turn, you give a dramatic bow.

Harry is the first to clap, then the other boys follow suit. "Great song mate," none other than Calum Hood says as he reaches out to shake your hand. "It's alright I guess," seconds Luke Hemmings, reaching out also.  "I think you guys should add that to your performance," Harry says, smiling at you and stepping forward for a handshake and quick hug.

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