Chapter 2 - Night in Delhi

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Demir woke up in the middle of the night in their small in their small apartment rent in Delhi. When he put his arm next to him, he felt nothing.

"Selin?" He called, rubbing his eyes. No answer.
"Selin ?" he said again as he rised out of the bed and looked for her.

When all was silent, he heard her whisper in the bathroom

"Mom, everything's fine. I can't speak too long, it's 1am here..... Yes I know but Demir is sleeping."

He gently opened the door and found her sitting on the floor talking to her mom. He remembered when they are going to go to Sinop to tell the truth to her parents.



After the proposal, Demir wanted only one thing : making things clear with his fiancee's family. The departure was planned a week later, so the day after the wedding, they drove to Sinop. Demir never felt so nervous and happy at the same time. Semih bey is a sweet but hard men. When they first met, he wasn't his daughter's fiance, not even her boyfriend at that time.

It was an unexpected visit, so in front of the door, Demir panicking "we should have called first right?"

"Everything will be alright Sevgilim" she answered before kissing his cheek and knocking on the door.

"Selin? What are you doing here with ... Demir?" Reyhan hanim was surprised to see her daughter at the door with this man.

"Hi Anne, we came to you because we have something to tell you" she said while hugging her.

"Reyhan, who is it?" Semih yelled from the living room

"Hi Baba" answered Selin entering in the house.

Semih jumped from his seat to his daughter

" My lamb, what are you doing here?" He pushed her away when he saw Demir entering the house too. "Demir? You're here too. Is something wrong?"

"Hello Semih bey".

"Annecim, Babacim, seat down. We have something to tell you"
"I will make some tea first" answered Reynan hanim.

Selin inviteed Demir and her dad to go on the garden and sit at the table under their arch. Demir followed her with no word, like her father.

When Reyhan came back with the tea, Demir took his glass and said his first words "Teşekkür ederim, your garden is beautiful. I understand why Selin likes flowers so much"

"How do you know that? " answers Semih

Panic comes to Demir's head when he hears the question and directly look at Selin.

She smiles and said "about that .... I have to confess. I lied to you".

"What ?" Reynan replied in shocked. Semith still stoical.
"I didn't want it but I was afraid that you wouldn't understand"

She wanted to continue but Semih raised his hand to his daughter to make her stop. He turned his head on Demir "In what is this related to you?"

 He turned his head on Demir "In what is this related to you?"

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"Euh Semih bey ..."


"Daughter, Kuzum, I'm asking him"

"Semih bey, Selin's house is ..."

"Our house. Baba don't make Demir uncomfortable please. I lied to you so I have to explain everything."

During around 30 minutes, Demir and Selin explained everything : the house, the aunts, why Selin lied and why she asked Demir to lied too, their relationship, the trip and of course, the proposal.

"I'm so happy Kuzum" cried Reynan in Selin's arms. She huged Demir too "You fit so well together. I told it the Semih the first time we saw you". Demir smiled at that anecdote.

Selin looked at her father. He was still silent during all the explanation.

"Baba" she asked with anxiety.

After seconds who feels like minutes, Semih got up of his chair "Well, I didn't expect as much since we saw you but ... I know one day that will happen".
He made a few steps to be in front of her "You're still my sweet little daughter but I knew one day you will want to discover the world. I'm happy you found someone to travel with you".

Selin ran to his arm "Babacim, I'm so happy. I will miss you so much"

"I will miss you too Kuzum"

He came in front of Demir " Will you take care of her?"

"Like the most precious thing in the world Semih bey"

"Can I talk to you a little?"

Demir and Semih made some steps away from the girls.

"Semih bey, I'm sorry"

"I saw good in you Demir. You're a good boy with deep wounds. I give you my daughter to travel but not for marriage"

"Semih bey" stuttered Demir

"You will come to my house and make everything right... with all traditions"

Demir smiles and thought of how all the guys did it before him. It doesn't matter anymore because she is his fiancee.

"I will Semih bey"

"And stop bey-ing me. Just Semih"

Demir smiled again and shook his hand.

Semih made a step closer and whispered "But if you hurt my daughter, I will cut out your throat, alright ?"

"I won't" replied Demir with a strong voice "It's the last thing I want" looking at her and remembering every pain he ever caused to her.

End of flashback


"Yes I will... Love you... Bye bye" Said Selin before hanging up the phone.
She smiled when she saw him at the door.

"Demir?" suddenly she felt bad "Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry"

He made the half smile that she melts for and walked to her. He took her softly into his arm
" I never sleep well when you're not there".

"Demir" she replied blushing.

He took her hand and they went back to their bed. She put her head on his chest.

"İyi geceler sevgilim" he said

"İyi geceler canim" she replied.

He heard her breath being slower, calmer, more peaceful and he felt great. He put a kiss on her head. He is the happiest guy in the world because she's with him. 


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