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Two months have passed,  and lately  i've been feeling happy;real happy. you and me, we became best friends as we know each other more and always stay by each other's side.

You and your other friends ; jungkook, jin, hoseok, namjoon, yoongi, taehyung were at your house. I bursted in with an excited face. But you guys were shocked by my sudden entrance and yoongi, he even cursed. I laughed when i heard him cursed.

"what demon has gotten into you?!" jin he yelled at me because he was really shocked till his heart went weak. oldie... ignoring jin, i lifted my hand and showed you all something. It was movie tickets. "lets go watch a movie!" i said. you guys screaming with joy. You guys immediately rushed to the car and started the engine.

After the movie,you saw me sleeping in the car. When we arrived your house. You carried me;bridal styled. You put the blanket on me and kissed my forehead.

Sweet :)

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