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"huahhh" i yawned, sitting on the chair near the counter. I saw a cute couple feeding each other. It reminds me of jimin."i wish that couple is us" i sighed.

Soon  the girl from the couple i just saw  is waving her hands at me. I walked towards her. That girl is really beautiful as i get closer to her.  " yes, what can i help?" i asked. "can we have thi-" i turn my head to the guy. I can't believe my eyes. the guy whom her boyfriend is jimin.

"babe what's wrong?" the girl asked. "nothing." he smiled cutely at her. Its been months since the last time i saw him smile like that. "can we have this as a take out" jimin said smiling to his girlfriend not wanting to look at me.

"yes i can do that" i took the plate which im guessing the one they want to takeout. I told Taylor to do the takeout thing while im crying in the bathroom.

My shift ended. I went home or should i say jimin's house. I dont wanna go there but that's the only place for me to live.

I saw jimin sitting on the couch, playing with his phone. I quickly went upstairs. I sat on the corner of the bed.i started to cry again but then i heard the door room opened. "y/n, i-im sorry". He walks towards me." I-i can explain " he sat beside me. "no, i don't want to hear an explanation. Just tell me what i saw isn't true, tell me it was an act, tell me that girl was your cousin, tell me-" i couldn't finish my sentence as i was holding my tears.

"y/n it's.... It's true" did he just- "that girl was actually my girlfriend. We've been dating for three months now. I-im sorry i cheated on you." my heart sank as he told me he cheated on me.
"but why? What did i do? Why you suddenly change jimin?this is not you. Jimin tell me you love me " he stood up.

"im sorry y/n. it just happened" i widened my eyes at his statement. "it just happened?! How could you do this-" he cut me off. "we're over. You can have this house. I bought a new one recently for me and her. Bye y/n thanks for everything" he left. I cried so much  that i curled up like a ball. I cant believe he cheated on me. All these years i gave you everything and this is what you pay me. Jimin i cant believe you... How  could you or maybe this is it right? We just arent destined to be together.

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