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For two weeks i avoided you. Not you also your friends. when i saw you guys i hide.

I was not alone, though. I have Lucy. She was my friend besides you guys. I met her during the English class. She knows about you and your friends. She also knows about the things i saw at my party.

It was lunchtime. I was walking with lucy when suddenly she told me to hide. I don't know why, so i looked at where she's looking at. It was you. I looked at my surroundings so i can hide from you. But before i could you already saw me. I ran away, you ran after me. We were running and chasing until i can't ran anymore, i stopped at our school garden.

"y/n" you called me. I can't looked at you so i looked at the ground. But you held my chin up. "y/n, why are you avoiding me and the others?" you asked. I kept quite. "is it about that day, y/n im sorry. I told you i was drunk". "jimin i know it's weird but i think i like you" i confessed. "really?!" i nodded. "y/n i didn't know you like me." "yeah, i know you don't like me so-" i was cut off "i like you too" you kissed me.

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