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It was my birthday. I threw a party at my house. There was alcohol, of course.

I invited you and your friends;also others whom i know. It was amazing until something unexpected happened.

You friends were drunk and they started to make out with some girls. I was in disgusted. But i don't care about them. I was looking for you. But you were nowhere. then i forgot to check my room so i go there and saw you. unfortunately my heart ached when i saw something i shouldn't see. You were naked with a girl. Your eyes widened soon as you saw me. "o-oh, sorry" is all i can said.

I ran away. You ran after me. you  grabbed my wrist and turned me to face you. "j-jimin" i was surprised. I pulled my hands from you. "y/n, i can explain" you held my hand back. I pulled away once again. "jimin, its okay. It is not like your my boyfriend. You can do what you want. Besides this is a party and there's alcohol, i understand" somehow the words that i said made me wanna cry. 

The party was over and people started to leave. You guys were helping me clean up, even though you guys were drunk. during the process of cleaning my house, i kinda avoided you. I don't know why but whenever i look at you it reminded me of the thing i saw  and it broke my heart.

Have i fallen to you, park jimin?

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