Chasing You (2)

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“Tell him that I always here if he needs me alright?” She told firmly as a gruff of chuckle’s ring into her ears.

“ He’s a grown up man sweetie. He will be alright.” The voice said, sound amused.

Naeun roll her eyes, who is she kidding? Of course, Ilhoon is a grown-up man. He’s already in the midst of his twenty-seven. But considering she had been in his situation before, she know how painful it was when have to deal with the feeling of heartbroken. Even though the situation with ilhoon was different and a little better from what she had been through, who found her boyfriend nearly having sex with someone else at the couch in their apartment, Yeeun had come to Ilhoon by herself and say that she can't be with him, said she likes him but not in love with him. Duh! And she feels bad if they continue to keep seeing each other if there was no spark between them.

It's was a decent moved, but it still makes him hurt. Naeun had only meet her once when she go to visit them at Daegu four months ago. That moment, Naeun can saw it in his eyes that he like that girl very much. Unfortunately, it looks like the feeling was just only one-sided. And as much as Naeun dismay, the girl was right though, Ilhoon did deserves better.

Straighten her posture, she look at the rearview mirror in her car and pick the strand of her hair that was escaped from her messy bun and put them back to its place just to make them a little bit less messy.

With final check on her makeup, she let out a soft sigh. The dark circle under her eyes was still visible. No matter how thick concealer she put on them, it still makes no changes at all.

Now, who's fault is that?

She sigh again and slump her body back to her seat. Naeun grip the steering wheel with her free hand, just the thought of it instantly make her body come into the heat.

A wild and intense sex with a stranger in one night. Hah! She had to laugh.

Never ever she’d thought she would done it. It's really not her thing. Naeun always known a bit conservative when it came to sex. Done it with stranger? Nah ma’am, she's not going to do it.

But at last, no matter how much she want to say she not going to do it. The deed had been done.

She already have experienced her first one-night stand.

With a stranger.

The stranger that really know how to used all of his body parts and make her felt so good. Feel so desirable.

Did she regret it?

Well, considering how her body could still felt the tingle from his touch even though it been two weeks?

Obviously the answers is No.

Although, he is the reason that she got that dark circle under her eyes and he seems can't stop from appearing inside her head, which is very disturbing. That sexy smirk, that draws her to him even though she’d try her best to push him away. The intensity in his eyes every time he looks at he like he wants to devour he in that instant. Which, he was successfully accomplished that part already. And not to mention, his touch. God, its been a long time that she’d feel her body come to alive by just a simple touch.

Since Minho’s betrayed, Naeun was in an emotionally dead. She was a wrack! The wounded was too deep that she can't feel anything. She barely function, she had spent her everyday routine like a robot, start with work and end with sleep. It's goes round and around.

But with Kai, yeah, the perfect stranger name was Kai. Every part of her body seems to awake by his touch. Even right now, mentioning his name could makes her hot and bothered.

Damn him!

Naeun fanned myself with her bare hand and groan. Why suddenly feel so warm in here? Can he just leave her alone?

“ Sweetie, are you alright?”

Oh shit!

Oh crap!

Christ, how can she forget that her father still on the phone?

Most importantly, how can she daydream about having sex with a stranger while her father still on the phone?

God! She can't believe this.

Stammering, she answer. “ I-I’m fine.”

“ Are you sure? You are groaning, did you hurt somewhere?”

Oh. My. God.

Her face was burning hot. Couldn't there any more embarrassment?

“ I'm fine dad, really,” She said, try put her voice in casual tone. It takes a few seconds in silence before she heard her father sigh. It's was a sign that he was convinced with her answer, which Naeun nearly sighed in relief. She couldn't bear any more question though. Naeun was really not good in lying. It's was her main weakness. People could read her like an open book, that was the most frustrating thing in her part.

“Aright then.” her father said, “ I need to go. But you, young woman, call me if you need anything OK?”

Naeun roll her eyes. “I told you to not worry about me, I can take care of myself enough.”

Her father groan. “ I know, just say yes. It's would make your old man feel better.”

Her face cracks up with a wide smile. “ Alright, dad. I’ll call you if I need anything OK. Better?”

“ Very.” He said though she couldn't see him. She know he was smiling by the sound of how light the tone of his voice. And it instantly makes her mood feel lighter. No matter what, her father happiness is the key to her life. If he is happy, then she was happy. Her father was everything to Naeun.

After her mom had leaves them. Her father was devastated, but he tried to be strong just for Naeun. And she really proud to him for handle her mom sudden departure very well. Since then, they’d only have each other. That was until her father mets their new neighbour, lovely Jung Su Yeon, a single mother with an adorable son name Ilhoon. Married her one year after seeing each other.

And Naeun couldn't ask for more. Their life becomes more perfect than is it.

After changing a few words. They hang up. Naeun check her appearance once again on the mirror before decide to switch off the car engine.

Naeun open the car door annoyingly. She didn't know, either meeting with this person was a good choice or not. Because right now, she was torn between want to thanks her or kill her for abandoned Naeun alone that night.

One night with a stranger? Yes, Kai might be the reason she got the dark circle under her eyes, but this person though, she was indeed the one that Naeun really want to blame for what had happened.


                                              N O T E  (Please Read!)

Hi, Look like I'm back :D, but just for a while though. I know I'm abandoned this story way to long already. But, my schedule really pack and I have so many problem I need to settle.

This chapter really, really my rough draft. I just finish this chapter today (06 Dec), I write it in hurry (couldnt wait to post it too!) and I reread it only twice. So, bear it with all of my grammar error. ( I will edited it later!!)

And most importantly, starting for now on, my journey in this story is I will ride it all alone. Means, without my amazing editor. Her schedule also pack as mine so I understand it very well.

Well, that it, I'm not promise but I plan on update more regularly starting in Jan 2020. Hopefully..hihi.

So, Happy Merry Christmas in advance for those who celebrate it and Happy New Year. Love Ya!❤

P/s: I hope you didn't forget about my story and ohhh.. His To Love under construction.. And it will be in a new version. I change a little about the plot tho. So, keep on waiting!!!

Pss: please comment and most importantly V O T E ❤❤❤

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