Chasing You (3)

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*The awesome pic I took it from @alunabye btw.. For kaieun euthanasias.. Do follow her. She awesome!


  “ Ohh, I'm the one who should wear that kind of face.” A perfectly manicured nails, paint in the red colour point directly toward her face.

  Naeun pull the vacant chair across from her best friend as she seat. Frowns attached on her smooth forehead. “ What face?”

  Tiffany's mouth twitch up as she makes a dramatic circular motion in front of her face. “ You’re 20 minutes late. I thought you forget about our lunch’a date or you purposely ditch me off.”

  “ I should have.” She retorted. “ Considering you already did that to me on Saturday night, remember?”

  “ Ugh! For God’s sake Naeun.” Tiffany scoffs. “ It's been two weeks, I thought you forget about that already. And besides..” She trails, wiggling her eyebrow while nudging Naeun’s ankle under the table.

  Naeun roll her eyes as she lean her back against the chair and raise her hand, slightly enough to catch the waiter attention who stood near the kitchen’s door. Giving her a subtle nod, he heads toward the counter and grabs the menus list as he walks toward the girls direction with a friendly smile plastering onto his face.
  After giving him their usual orders, Naeun purposely took her time from giving the answer that Tiffany had been craves for by dragging her eyes to scan the surrounding.

   CoCo’s restaurant was one of their favourite and the usual places they’d often pick to hang out. Once in a week or maybe twice in a month, they would spend their time here for lunch, mostly, or dinner if they got an early day off from the workloads.

  Aside from Tiffany, Naeun’s other best friend-Krystal was, unfortunately, couldn't make it for today lunch’s date.

Which Naeun has secretly feel a little bit of relief. That girl was clueless enough to know about the stunt that Tiffany had pulled in Saturday’s night, and not to mention her unexpected journey into one-night stand’s la-la land.

  She couldn't bear to add another person who's dying want to know her one-night stand’s experience.

   Having Tiffany right now was more than enough.
Glancing around, she notice that most of the table has already occupied since right now, Naeun had assume it was nearly for the lunch hour. The restaurant has slowly filled with chit-chattering from the patron but the noise was still bearable, most of the conversation was carry in hush tone. Thus, it become one of the reason why she loved it here.

   Swirling her focus back toward her best friend, the corner of her mouths twitch up slightly as she take a look that Tiffany has giving her right now, arm fold around her chest and eyes narrowed. Clearly annoying with the lack of her response.

  Mirroring her action, she decide to end her misery by putting what Naeun assume was the best innocent look that she ever have and asked. “Besides what?”

   Tiffany’s eyes instantly gleam with excitement as she straightens her posture, the grin on her face was wide enough that Naeun had afraid her cheeks would become hurt. “Besides, you get some action that night, aren't you?” She asks with astounding hope in her voice’s tone.

  “ No, ”  She denied. Her voice unwavering. It was firm enough that she was hoping that Tiffany would buy for it, but the flickering on her eyes said differently within a minute the deniable word has come out from her mouths.

  Naeun scoff defeatly.  Tiffany’s grin grew more wider before it turn into a girly teenager giggle as she slightly jump up and down from her seat while clap her hands. “ Ohhh, shit!!” She gasped.

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