Chasing You (8)

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“ I wish Tifanny can be here with us,” Krystal said with an adoring smile adjourn her face.

Naeun looks up toward her best friend from the rim mug that she had been playing with her finger and smile. “ Yeah. But I bet she’s think the different.”

A light chuckle escapes from Krystal as she tip the rim mug over her lips before speak. “ I agree with that. Spent an entire weekend with parents is the most amazing thing to do. I probably forget about both of you if mom and dad were here.”

“ Oh, you already did that.” Naeun retorted. “ And the feeling is mutual.” She jokes and Krystal laugh.

Speaking of a parent, it's been a week since the last time Naeun had call her father. And Naeun make a mental note to call him the minute she blinks her eyes open tomorrow morning.

“ When will you decide to pay them a visit?” Krystal ask as the thought she could read her mind.

Naeun sigh. “ Probably soon, after all the work lie down a little bit. ”

Krystal nodded. “ I can handle the cafe for you. Take a week. I know you miss them.”

This time, it's turn Naeun to nodded her head. “ Maybe after the anniversary celebration?”

“ That perfect.”

A roar of laughter caught the best friends attention as to both of their head turn toward the source. One in particular that caught Naeun’s eyes was Kai’s sleek black hair as he landed his head on the couch headrest when he laugh.

Naeun was being used to Kai sexy smirk, low rumble of chuckle that cause her melt like a cream, his cocky remark and flirtatious behaviour. But seeing him in full wide smile, teeth showing was pure heart-wrenching. Why he had to be that good looking?

Earlier, at the dinner, he had been nothing but only throw her an amusement look as Naeun was trying to cut him from saying anything when Krystal introduced them. After that, he just play along. Pretend that they just know each other tonight and sit like a stranger next to each other.

That had put Naeun in ease. She want to be that way. At least for now. She knew, she had to tell Krystal that she had known Kai before this and she did intend to tell her the truth. But that was before, before she knew Kai was her fiancee’s childhood best friend. What to expect? She can't be out there out of nowhere and say ‘ Oh, I know him, we are one-night stand partner.’ That sound so wrong, and if she admit that right now with Krystal, thing will become awkward. Which was why Naeun had choose ‘another time’ to tell her best friend the truth, and if that time Krystal throwing a fit for not telling her sooner, then it will be Naeun’s problem to deal with.

Apart from it, one thing that had put Naeun really curious was, how on earth he can be here from the start? It's was to perfect to be coincidence.

“ He always have that power to charm a women..” Krystal sudden voice bring back Naeun from her thought as she flinches in surprise.

Naeun jerked her head away from Kai and look at her best friend. “ W-what?”

Krystal’s brow lifting, lips pull up into an amused smile. “ You’ve been staring.”

“ W-what..N-no..i..i-m just looking a-and lost in my thought, I'm not staring..” Stuttering like a teenager who just got caught ogling on their crush by their parents, Naeun face turn into a deep red as she bit her bottom lips.

Krystal’s laughter flowed into the air. “I'm not surprised and don't be embarrassed. As I said, that man always has the power to charm any women into his arm.”

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