1941- Entry 6

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I feel as if i’ve been in here for months or even years. I want to see the outside world. I want to be able to see the sun rise and set as well as the moon. I want to see the stars cover up the sky on a clear night and have no worries. I want to wake up everyday to seeing my family alive and happy, but that's just too much to wish for in this life i hold before me. When roll call started this morning i ran out to see my mother and brother so i could have hope. I found out my mother was in the hospital with my brother…..I don’t know what to do. I felt as if i died as if someone took the little bit of life i was holding on to right out of my hand. I wanted to see then. No! I needed to see them. I wouldn’t be able to live without knowing they are okay. I had to live like that for the rest of the day till i saw them in the evening. My brother had a fever and so they had to help him my mother said. My little brother may be young but he is smart and is willing to do what people may challenge him to do. What he does here is he helps my mom with the clothing, after she washes them he separates guys from girls. This camp has been getting more and more lonely as the weeks go by. I feel as if we might move or get killed off. I don’t want to think about that due to i would never see alice again. Does she still think about me? I miss her so much she would always brighten up my days when they were dark and gary. She would have my back no matter what anyone said about me and never believed the horrible lies they told. Her mom on the other hand wasn’t so nice. She was rude, heartless, and nothing but downright disrespectful to my kind. She called me a rat and other harsh words because of my religion and because i’m different than her. Little did i know that my life would only get worse.


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