We found out my dad had died and got his money and had a funeral and paid our respects. Alice's mom tried to say sorry for all the harsh stuff she has said to me and i told her i’d forgive her but never forget the pain she had put me in. My brother slowly forgot about the camps and how scary the camp was and had a good life and was doing really good in school. I got married and moved off and kept in touch with Alice. Me and Alice were incredible no matter what would happen. I went to become a history teacher to teach kids about what horrific things has happened in our past and to make sure history doesn't repeat itself. As the years went by I had a family and so did my brother, my mother sadly died but she died happy. She got to be with my father now and we will never forget them. I made sure to teach my kids that no matter what race, religion, or sexuality people were they were to be accepted by us. I have had hope from that day on that my kids will grow up to be nice and strong. They won’t be rude and they will help other people out. That is how my life got turned upside down but got saved with just the little bit of hope i always had. I will never forget what happen in the camp nor what i went through but i will not feel bad for the people who put us there. I won’t feel bad for the horrible people who made us go there, who killed my kind, who made us seem like we were the monsters, who hid us away. I will never forget but i will have hope that it will never happen again