04. an awakening of sun

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'Angelina Haskin was like wildfire, with moonlight hair and eyes the colour of mischievous skies'

She scratched the Dregs tattoo on her forearm absentmindedly, as her eyes scanned the young girl who lied in the makeshift bed, the scars and bruises finally gone from her pale complexion

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She scratched the Dregs tattoo on her forearm absentmindedly, as her eyes scanned the young girl who lied in the makeshift bed, the scars and bruises finally gone from her pale complexion.

The girl was really pretty, the blonde woman decided, as only a Grisha woman can be, with a certain wildness that many otkazat'sya found both bewitching and unsettling.

With proper nourishment and a more frequent usage of her powers the small imperfections, caused by the way the girl lived for the last, in Angelina's professional opinion, seven years, would be completely erased.

Angelina couldn't lie and say that she wasn't personally invested in the girl's well being. After all, the young woman killed druskelle in front of their eyes, and anyone who does that deserves all the help she can offer. Not to mention the fact that she's a Sun Summoner.

With a sigh, she stopped her control on the girl's heart, allowing it to slowly wake the girl up. It's beating becoming faster with each second, like a small drum expertly played by the hands of a skilled musician.

A pair of forest green eyes pierced Angelina in place, as she allowed her lips to stretch into a gentle smile. She felt the girl's heart start to accelerate, fear quickly taking over her body, her muscles going taunt and her jaw clenching as she held her breath. Those forest green eyes turned almost black with fear.

"Sten." Angelina yelled as the girl tried to get up. But at those words she did the exact opposite, the fear only growing in her small body, her eyes unfocused as she threw herself at the blonde woman.

Her movements were weak and chaotic, with no real strength or finesse, like a caged animal before her demise. Angelina was grateful for the fact, as she pinned the girl back in bed, her body weight helping her in holding the struggling girl down. An elbow found its way to her stomach, making the silver haired woman groan in pain.

"You're safe, we won't hurt you. " she whispered, her blue eyes imploring the girl to listen. She really didn't want to put the girl to sleep again, but if she couldn't calm down on her own, she'll leave her with no choice.

Luckily enough, this time the girl listened, as if the words she said were exactly what she's waiting for, her little body suddenly going limp, every muscle relaxing, head laying back with a gentle exhale.

For a moment, Angelina thought the girl was changing the strategy, but then a small smile lifted the corners of the girl's mouth. It was barely noticeable, but it was there. And it was probably the saddest thing the woman ever saw, for the muscles of the girl's face shook with effort to maintain even the smallest of smiles. It was the smile of a person who have not had a reason to smile in ages.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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