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"It's boring down here, when will you be back??"

Glimmer laughed nervously. "Soon! I promise..I'm, well, uh..fine."

Catra glared at the transmission from across the room.

Frosta groaned, pouting. "I wish you wouldn't take so long.."

"Yeah, I know, but I gotta convince Prime to leave Etheria alone..so.."

Glimmer smiled weakly.


Catra walked up in her new get up.

"Catra? What's with the outfit?"

"It wasn't my choice, at least it's comfortable.."

The two stared at each other.

"You got this. Hit him where it hurts."

She pulled out her clawed hand and gestured a right fist, grinning.

Glimmer chuckled. "I think I'll stick with my way, but thanks."

Adora rolled her eyes from the back of the room. Why are they friends, too??

Glimmer turned, eyes widening and face paling.

"Um..I have to go. I'll be back you, love you guys!"

The transmission cut off abruptly.

Mermista and Bow looked at each other with weird looks. "What was that about?" The sea princess asked.

"Hoardak," Catra cut in. "He's Prime's second in command now, after being..reconditioned." She hugged herself instinctively. "He's rough, and maybe she's.."

"Scared?" Purfuma cut in. "I would be, too," Scorpia said, shuddering. "He's scary either way.."

The feline shook her head. "I guess we wait then, right?"

Adora nodded. She held a hand on her hip and watched the door open.

"Shadow Weaver.."

The dark sorceress walked into the room, holding a couple daisies.

"Is there any news I should know?"

Double Trouble came up behind her, looking up at her with a tint of fear in their eyes.

"The Queen will be back soon," Bow interrupted. "She's not injured."

"Excellent," the lady purred in a low voice. "Soon the world will be at peace."

Catra glared harshly at the sorceress. "Like you'd want anything to do with the term peace."

Shadow Weaver glared back. "Child, you and I both know that this was bound to happen. The villains always lose."

"And you're not a villain?" Catra fired back, hugging herself tightly. "Well what about you, Catra? Look at everything that's happened—"

"Wait, guys—" Frosta was about to interrupt until Catra glared at the small princess. The ice princess looked away and went silent, anxious.

"I know exactly what I did and I'm going to fix my shit, unlike you; you don't care about anything you did.."

Shadow Weaver sighed, walking over to Catra slowly. The feline growled deep in her throat and balled her hands into fists.

"Both of you, that's enough!" Adora got in between them and held her arms out to separate them.

"You can't hurt her anymore," the blonde stared down her old mentor. Catra looked between the blonde and the sorceress. "Darling child," Shadow Weaver started.

Catradora: Don't Touch Me.Where stories live. Discover now