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[i don't even care if this song is repeated, it's good for the setting.]

The halls were long and creepy as Entrapta huddled in the corner. "I should've brought Emily," she said to herself.

A clone guard turned from his post and the princess squealed, hiding behind a wall.

A hand tapped her shoulder and she turned slowly to find a tall, green and white Hordak look-a-like. "Oh—hi..."

"Are you from that party of traitors..?" He asked in a smooth voice. "Well, we're not traitors, we're just here to..to...I don't remember. But I'm here to learn about your technology!" She gasped suddenly and climbed on his head. "I like your dreads! Are they cybernetic??"

"...Yes..." He said unconfidently. "Wow, you look like a perfect clone of Hordak!"

He immediately laughed at this. "I'm not a silly little clone, girl. I'm Horde Prime. The one true Prime, who's perfect."

"Aww, that's boring. Anyway where's your generator for your vaporizer?!"

Horde Prime grabbed Entrapta by the hair and glared at her silently. "Oh, so you don't have one..that's fine! How're you gonna take our planets energy source then?? I'm curious!" She wiggles out of his hold and stands there waiting for him to speak.

"I don't need to tell that you the likes of you. Your friends invaded my ship and now my plan will finally come full circle."

"What do you mean??" She asked, stopping him from walking forward.

He pushed past her roughly and walked, snapping his clawed fingers so the soldier could hold Entrapta.

Entrapta was tapping her feet back and forth in anticipation.

"I'm going to conquer your planet one way or another. Peacefully, of course," he sneered the last part. "Since your saving graces are up here in my ship, there will be no one to stop my army. And once your planet is under my thumb, I shall take your planets energy and use it at my will."

Horde Prime grinned at the princess. "Take her to the queen's chamber, she knows too much."

Entrapta squirmed against the soldier. "Where's Hordak then?! Is he ok??" She yelled.

"He's none of your concern," Prime said dismissively. "He's useless and a defect."

"No he's not!" The princess screamed. She kicked the soldier away and stomped over to Prime, who didn't move a muscle. "He's intelligent and a masterpiece, no matter what you say! He may have a defect in his cloning but he isn't a defect! He may have been stranded on Etheria because you sent him to die, but he built an empire in your name!"

A couple more soldiers ran in a grabbed the princess. She was held down roughly, which made her immediately claustrophobic and anxious.

Prime bent down and smirked at her. "He's Nothing. I reconditioned him and now he is at my disposal."

He got up and starting walking off. "Take her away, I have work to do."

"If Hordak is really gone.." Entrapta muttered. She slumped slight in their hold as she was taken to the queen's chamber.

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