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Peter POV

My boss walked over to my desk, her high heels making a tap, tap, sound. She put her hand on my desk, smiling. "Will you go get me some coffee?" 

"Yeah, sure."

I didn't like Boss that much, but she was nicer than the one on the last level. All the bosses were the same, they all liked coffee and they made me get it. Anthony worked here, but I didn't know where in the building and what level. I wanted to try to hack in-

I bumped into someone, interrupting my thoughts. 

"Sorry," I looked up at the person, expecting it to be one of the people that worked on this level, but it was an Avenger. One of the people I never expected to bump into. Literally.

It was Bruce Banner.  

"No, it's my fault, I should've been watching where I was going," Bruce said.

"You're Dr. Banner!" 

"Yeah, I know, The Hulk," He looked bored. He was probably asked the same questions everyday by his fans.

"I read all your books, articles and I loved the one on Quantum Physics and-"

He looked surprised, "Wait, you read that stuff? Even Tony got bored."

My cheeks felt warm. I can't believe I was talking to Bruce Banner.  "I'm a really big fan."

"Maybe I'll ask Tony if you could see my labs sometime, most people like me because of the hulk. What's your name, kid?"

"Peter, Peter Parker."

"Nice to meet you, Peter." 

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