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Peter POV

I check my watch, again. 4:34 PM, still 26 minutes to decide if I want to go. Should I go? I don't even know her, she's just someone claiming to be friends with someone that I don't really know. Should I trust her? Is it a her?

Maybe I should just go and see what happens.


I sit in a corner at the place. It was 4:54 and I could leave if I wanted to. I don't know if this person is someone bad or just a random person. I pull my phone out of my pocket and text Ned about this person. He doesn't reply. 

A woman with a black baseball cap and a green sweatshirt sits at my table. She lifts her head up and looks at me at me, "Hello Peter."

I realize that the woman is Black Widow! My eyes widen. I open my mouth to say something, but the words wouldn't come out. I close my mouth and try again, "H-hello Ms. R-r-"

"Call me Nat," She says, smiling.

"Hi N-nat," I reply, trying to hold my excitement in. "Why did you want to meet me?"

"I need to talk to you," She leans down and whispers in my ear, "About Spider-man."

I freeze. When I find my voice again, I stutter, "W-what about him?"

"Let's go somewhere more private," She says, pulling me into an area without a lot of people. She sits down and says quietly, sounding completely sure of herself, "You're Spider-man."  


I only got one thing for the cover contest:


You can just send in covers, no due date

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You can just send in covers, no due date. So, bye peoples!


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