Chapter 6

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Well my attempt to update sooner than the last two times failed miserably... I apologize >-< it's been almost 2 months right? I AM SO SORRY!! I've been busy with school and during Thanksgiving break I should've updated but I binged Devil Man Crybaby and started Attack On Titan so I totally forgot to work on it! BUT I UPDATED! FINALLY! YAYYAY!

Izuku sat on his soft bed fighting back the urge to shake his leg up in down with nervousness. He hugged onto one of his All Might plushies for dear life, it had earlier stepped in for his obnoxiously yellow backpack. He felt a blush creep onto his face as he waited in anticipation. Todoroki please just say what you have to say already! My heart can't handle this.

And as if his prayers had been answered Todoroki opened his mouth and said, "So Midoriya..."

"Y-YeS!?" Izuku said, or tried to, with multiple voice cracks edged into the single word.

Despite the startling interruption Todoroki's face stayed emotionless, and Izuku felt more uncomfortable by the fact that he couldn't read him. He nervously laughed to cover it up, avoiding eye contact at any cost. And Todoroki waited till he was done before finishing his train of thought, "I think we both know it by now, but we're soulmates." He then took another moment to ask unconfidently, "right?" And the way he said it almost as if scared, unconsciously melted Izuku's heart.

"Um..." Izuku pressed the tip of his pointer fingers together, and continued to repeat the action as he stumbled over a response. "I... Ah... I don't... really know." He said, eyes flying every where around his room. "I mean, like... how could we know for sure? Right? Haha...ha..."

"Yeah, I suppose." Todoroki said, disappointment lightly lacing his voice. What could he expect? They were two awkward teenagers, unexperienced in love and unsure how to deal with these sorts of situations. What should he say next? He had no clue, so he decided to offer an idea, "What if we test it out? We can confirm our theory that way, right? Then we'll know for sure."

"Um... I-I guess?" Taken aback, he choked out the first thing that popped into his head. Though he slightly regretted it, honestly he was scared to find out. What would happen after that?

But when Izuku looked back to Todoroki he noticed a sharp fierce determination glaze over his eyes. Something about it sent shivers down Izuku's spine, and his own feelings were forgotten. He instinctively reached out his right hand to linger on Todoroki's face. He just looked so tense, he felt the need to help this boy. Izuku's fingers lightly brushed the scarred flesh that wrapped around his left eye. 

And with the sudden movement Todoroki's gaze softened and so had the grip of tension that had been pressuring him all day. He had been so worried about this, but he felt so determined. He needed to do this yet he couldn't hold back the lingering worry of rejection and the loss of hope. And with one touch all of that faded and calm washed over him, making him understand just how powerful the touch of a soulmate can be.

The unknown action became realized and so did the gray and blue in Todoroki's mismatched eyes. Izuku quickly jerked his hand back, and it took the new vivid colors with it. Todoroki, in reply, immediately gripped Izuku's bare hand in his own, bringing back the colors Izuku had so harshly ripped away. "Wait, Midoriya."

Todoroki gripped Izuku's hand, lacing their fingers together. And in a sudden movement he bent down and pressed his lips to Izuku's. The green haired boy, caught by surprise, widened his eyes.   But he found he didn't, couldn't, hate the action. In fact he had the realization that he wanted more. And Todoroki seemed to be on the same page as he bit Izuku's bottom lip, granting his tongue permission to slip inside his mouth. Izuku felt a new wave of pleasure, and had to suppress a moan. Todoroki moved his free hand to interlock with Izuku's fluffy hair, and broke away the other, placing it on Izuku's back. With the loss of a Todoroki's hand, Izuku felt the need to find a new place to put his hands. So he rested his arms on Todoroki's shoulders and crossed them, pulling the taller boy closer.

They continued in this position for a minute or so before a Todoroki felt the desire for even more. So he slightly rubbed Izuku's back before slipping his hand under Izuku's shirt feeling his bare back. Izuku, quite taken aback, let out a gasp, breaking the long kiss. And the return to reality helped both boys realize a certain growing situation in their pants. (Kinky kinky ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Izuku took a step back, squatting down on the floor and covering his head. Both boys proceeded to stand still for a while, processing what exactly had just happened. And you could see Izuku growing redder by the second. Meanwhile Todoroki could feel his own face growing hot. Both boys were utterly embarrassed now that the mood was completely gone. 

"Umm, I guess this means we're soulmates right?" Todoroki took the initiative to talk first, breaking Izuku out of his growing train of thought. Izuku couldn't find it in himself to answer. He was just too caught up by what they had done, and what might've happened if they'd continued. So Todoroki tried again, putting away his embarrassment for a minute. "Midoriya?" 

"hUH!?" Izuku squeaked through a clear malfunction of emotions, turning to face Todoroki in a laggy motion. "I GuesS haHa..." he said immediately whipping his head back to conceal it behind his arms.

Todoroki was tied between leaving or making sure the boy was emotionally okay, which he definitely wasn't. But he feared is presence would only make it worse. "Um, do you want me to leave?" Todoroki offered while pointing to the door.

"Um, ya... SuRe." Deku said, still refusing to move from his position on the floor.

"Ok then, I'm gonna go." Todoroki muttered before slipping out the door. Well that was awkward, he thought, and his hair was fluffy. The memory of Izuku's soft fluffy hair made Todoroki smile, and a small blush, barely visible, appeared on his face. And before he knew it he found himself falling helplessly in love with the green haired boy.

ANNOUNCEMENT: I have decided to consider writing smut in this story! (U maybe be able to tell from the smoochy smoochy scene) YAY! I'm not sure because I know that not everyone's comfortable with that, especially because I've never written any smut before, so if your someone who's read my other stories and's used to only fluff ya... So I want everyone to give me their honest opinions as to if I should or shouldn't.

Well that's all, bye bye! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

(With Christmas break I'm hoping to update once but I'm not sure I seem to promise earlier updates every time but it's not turning out well ;-;)

1007 words

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