Chapter 12

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Author's note: I am so so so very sorry it has taken me so long to upload! My granfather passed at the end of August, and I started school only about a week later. I've been trying to keep my grades up, and in return my writing has fallen to a minimum. I'm hoping this chapter turned out a little longer than most to make up for it. The next chapter should be up in a week!

Love y'all!


2 weeks later

               “Ok get up! You’ve been locked in your room for weeks!”

               Groaning I peeked up from under my blankets to see a steaming Erika looming over me. Ugh, I really don’t want to deal with her right now.

               Over the past two weeks I have gotten really close with Erika as well as Kendra. Granted I haven’t come outside my room too often, the only times I did was for school and when these two dragged me out. Two weeks may seem like a very short time to become best friends, but we were already like sisters. And apparently sisters liked interrupting the others sleep...

               “Ugh, go away, I want sleep!”

               She ripped the covers off me, “No! You’ve been moping around this place for weeks. It’s time you come with us, we know you’re into music, starting this band is going to get you motivated!”

               “Kendra’s here too?”

               “Well duh! She’s downstairs convincing your parents to let you out. You know they are way too protective of you.”

               She had no idea… I wasn’t going to shake her this time, so I guess I should probably get up and shower.

               Walking towards my closet, which she was vigorously tearing apart, she instructed me, “Go shower you smell like death”, lovely. “I’ll get you a hot outfit, and once you get out I’ll do your hair and make-up.”

               “What am I getting all dolled up for?”

               She turned just enough around so I could see her wink at me. “You’ll see.”

               Well damn, now I’m scared.

               The shower was the only place I could cry without someone hearing me, or checking on me. The past two weeks have been nothing but pure hell. It all started with what happened that day with James’ parents. With what happened with James himself. It was what I had feared…

*two weeks ago

               We were all waiting anxiously for them to return to the living room. My biggest concern was that my mate no longer wanted me. So as I waited and waited, I went over the short time we have had together. He was everything I’ve ever wanted, everything I could ever hope for and more. But I am dangerous. Not just for him and his family, but for his pack as well. Removing myself didn’t work too well, considering he basically kidnapped me and brought me here. The ball was in his court.

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