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Thump, thump.

Thump, screeches.

             Heaving a big sigh, Hylem let go of the wheel of his car, tiredly, he lean on the comfort of his car’s seat.

The monitor on his front flashes, 10:45 P.M. It seems like, this day isn’t good. He is supposed to go home after attending the party that he and his other friends celebrated.
Picking his phone from the pocket of his bag, it’s currently placed on the passenger seat, he types a quick email to the person whom he treated like a second father, his butler.


    This is the nth time that happened, Eros. My car, again, needed a repair, ASAP.

- Arque.

Tossing his head back, he wasn’t just having a dilemma on the new car that happened to need a repairing, after he just bought a week ago, but the freaking reality that he is stuck in the woods.

Jesus Christ.

From Durham, moving in Manhattan that were located in New York, everything seems hard for him.
He wasn’t fond of his surroundings, he needed to adopt on the things that were new for him. Also, it was one of the fact, entirely, that being stuck in the middle of the woods, in the middle of the night wasn’t probably a good thing. Imagine those creature, those creepy things in the woods that will crawl, with fangs or incredibly scary faces that will eat you, or fucking kill you- No. Shaking his head, he wasn’t scared, no. He is just pissed off, this day turn shit altogether. If he could, he probably just rejected his friend’s offer.

Checking the time again, it will be quarter to eleven soon. Hylem pocketed his phone, he swiftly push the door on his car. The moon casted the whole forest with a glimmer light, making it look like a beautiful view. The star twinkle gracefully, the wind that dancing peacefully, even those small creature on the woods that were making sounds, it suits the scenario completely.

Probably, not a shitty day then.

As he lightly turn his head on the left side, he see it.

He caught a dot of light. It’s twinkling repeatedly, poking Hylem’s curiosity. 

Is it a flashlight or something ? He thought.

Locking the door behind him, he run a hand through the ash haired of his. His hair on his forehead was long enough to block his eyes, but it wasn’t a distraction. His grey eyes watch the dot intently, just watching it for a while. Was it probably just a big star from a far? Wetting his pinkish lower lip, seems it become dry because of the cold temperature, he started to move his legs.

He is now walking and will going to see, if the source of this light is from a stranger whom holding some things that is twinkling, or there’s a station behind this wall trees, or what ever. He just need some help, so that, he will be able to go home now. It’s too late for a person like him to stay outside, lurking around knowing he is on the woods, Jesus.

   The moon light helps him to walk without stumbling on the rock, or some big roots on the ground. He wasn't a scared of darkness, nor scared of any thing. He get startle some times, but that fright thing that he will cry or sob like a kid cause he is scared? No way.
So, it was easy for him to walk further inside the woods.

After a whole hour, benting down, Hylem pushes the branch of the tree aside  and finally. After walking with just some nothing around him but tall big trees, he saw a breathtakingly  view in front of him.

So, this is it.

There is something inside of him that urges him to continue to walk, but the other part of himself was screaming to stop, turn around, and just call his butler to pick him up. It seems that his guards around him screams, warning, danger.

But as many says, Curiosity kills the cat,” so Hylem was.

     Little did he know that this moment, and exactly this day,  the whole cycle of his life will going to change altogether.





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