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         I can’t stop the gasp that left of my mouth. This place wasn't just a simple place, It’s a cliff.
From afar, you can clearly see the whole city. The lights coming from the tall buildings, the whole scene is enough for me to hold my breath for a whole ten seconds.

As the wind blew against my face, I let the mask that I've been wearing every single day. Letting the stoic expression fell, I let that little smile etch it’s way into my lips.

It’s been a long time since I smile because of small things.

I feel safe and comfortable, which is strange. Letting my eye lids close, It’s so relaxing. Just standing here, with out a single care at this moment.

You can’t blame me, dealing with my parents who keep persuading me to get the position for the next COO is stressful.

So here I was, walking here is all worth it. Checking the time on my small wrist watch, which was gift to me on my 10th birthday, it’s 11:11 P.M, I probably need to get back now. I'll just contact my butler to send me some people here in, where ever this place, seems It’s very foreign one. I also feel, sleepy.
Talking a small step back, I was supposed to turn around and finally go home,  until all of a sudden, some thing is off.

There is something on the atmosphere change altogether.

The cool breeze of the wind stops, which is unnaturally thing since this is a cliff. It’s supposed to be windy here, this is a high place.
My skin prickle, and the hair on my neck stand in attention when I felt that strange feeling. My skin pulse. What’s happening ?

The sound of the city which is coming from the loud horns, the buzzing of the vehicles, everything pauses. Closing my eyes to calm the nerves that seems to switch inside, I tried to relax.

Everything is so relaxing just a few seconds ago, I’m probably tired. It’s already midnight, I just need to go home as fast as possible, I’m just exhausted from all the celebration on that party.

Determination sets on my mind, I need to go home now.

Opening my eyes, I was met with a bright light.

No, not a bright light that will blind you, nor from any objects.

It was coming from the moon.


What the hell.

Panic started to bloom deep within my chest.

It’s literally a moon. The close up version of the moon itself. It was like, I was standing in front of this 3D version of moon, and I was in other dimension.

Jesus, Oh Christ.

I was just standing on the ground a few seconds ago!

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