Chapter 2: Oh My God!

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"Hi guys I'm home" I said with tears in my eyes, Archie and Kevin stood there frozen with tears in their eyes as well.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" I heard Kevin whisper as he stared at me still unmoving from his spot, Archie however broke out of the daze he was in and rushed up to me and pulled me into a hug I didn't know how much I needed.

"Oh my god I can't believe your back! I missed you so much, your never leaving me again" Archie whispered as he held me tightly.

The tears were streaming down my face faster now just by being in the arms of my big brother, the one who has always had my back and believed in me when others didn't.

I hugged Archie for a few more minutes, no more words were exchanged but the action alone spoke a thousand words.

As soon as we stepped out of the hug I was immediately brought into the arms of my best friend.

As soon as Kevin had me in his arms I knew I'd made the right decision on coming home.

This is where I belong with my friends and family who love and support me, where my dad taught Archie and I to ride our bikes in the street, and where my baby should be raised.

Kevin and I stayed hugging for a few more minutes before he pulled away and held me at arms length to look at me.

"You look amazing, absolutely glowing" Kevin said with a wide smile even though tears were still streaming down all of our faces.

"You really do look great Y/N" Archie agreed.

"I just still can't believe your back and you didn't tell us!" Kevin replied.

"Well I'm sorry I really wanted to surprise you guys that I was back, and it looks like I did so mission accomplished" I replied with a laugh.

"Does anyone else know your back?" Archie asked looking from me to mom and dad and back over to me.

"No, no one else knows, heck I didn't even know until they knocked on the door an hour ago" dad replied with a little chuckle.

"Well I'm glad your back and I think this calls for a celebration, I'm thinking welcome back milkshakes from Pop's?" Kevin suggested with a grin.

"Uh I don't know I was hoping to get settled a bit, maybe take a nap and tell everyone else I'm back before venturing out anywhere" I replied while looking back at mom and dad from where i stood in between Archie and Kevin.

"Go ahead, text your friends tell em your back and go hang out you deserve it" mom replied with a smile.

"Yeah we can catch up some more later, and your mom and I can put your things away and talk a bit, go have fun" dad replied with a smile as well.

I sighed and turned to the two boys standing next to me, "Well looks like we're going to Pop's boys, who's buying me a milkshake?" I questioned with a smile.

"I will, and Archie can drive us there, later you can tell us what's being going on with the peanut in your belly" Kevin said excitedly.

"It's a deal, we'll be back in a couple of hours, love you guys" I said to mom and dad while giving them a hug goodbye, before walking to the door with the boys ahead of me.

"See you guys later and have fun" they replied before I closed the door behind us.

Carefully I walked down the stairs and over to Archie's car where he was holding the door open for me like a gentlemen. He helped me into the backseat and shut the door before going to the drivers side and getting in.

Kevin slid into the backseat next to me and shut the door before putting on his seat belt and making sure mine was secure and not to tight.

"Are we ready?" Archie asked as he started the car.

"Yes we are" I replied while pulling my phone out of my pocket as it started buzzing.

"Okay here we go" he replied before backing out of the drive and onto the street, starting the journey to Pop's.

I looked to my left to see Kevin busy typing in his phone, I unlocked mine and took a deep breath before typing.

This message would be the next step of the new chapter of my life.

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