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10 facts about me:
1: I'm the youngest of three
2: I'm 18, 19 in March
3: I've been in love with Zac Efron for 14 years
4: I'm a Pisces
5: I have anxiety and depression, which makes writing and updating hard for me
6: I'm a Hufflepuff and a Pukwudgie
7: I have a massive list filled with people and characters who are my "husbands", a few include Zac Efron, Cole Sprouse and Derek Hale ( or just Tyler hoechilin in general)
8: I'm obsessed with the tv shows:
Buffy the vampire slayer/ Angel
Teen wolf
Stranger things
9: My favourite superheroes are Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Bucky Barnes, Spider-Man and Thor
10: I love anything and everything Disney, Beauty and the Beast is my all time favourite Disney movie
Bonus 11th fact: I'm born and raised In Melbourne Australia

This is for all supernatural fans out there, I found this and can't stop laughing it's so good but really bad.

Castiel: Dean, I have learned a hilarious joke.
Dean: Oh this should be good. Go ahead, Cas.
Castiel: Knock. Knock.
Dean: Who's there?
Castiel: Interrupting moose.
Dean: Interrupting moo-?
Sam: Hi guys! Get this...

I know it's crappy but I liked it so...

Spoiler for my book:
Y/N almost lost the baby when she first moved to Chicago. That's all I will say about that because I don't want to ruin the rest of the plot.

People I've decided to tag:
1: autumnfarmer13
(I'm only doing five people)

1. Who tagged you.
2. 10 facts about you.
3. A joke.
4. Spoiler for one of your books.
5. People you tagged.

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