Chapter 7

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Sans POV

I woke up in my room images of the limp body in my arms is haunting me. I can almost feel the energy draining from her. I can't move I'm shaking wildly hunched over my clutched hands and trembling feet. I cried and cried. I don't really know what's gonna happen next and it's scaring me. Before all this I knew what would happen during each timeline either genocide, nuetral, or pacifist. Each run was the same in it's own right but now... it's all gonna change. Papyrus ran into my room and scared me right out of bed.

"SANS I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU'RE NAME, YOU LAZY BONES WE'RE LATE FOR PATROL!" Papyrus screamed. After he took one look at me, I can see it in his face, he noticed I had been crying. "SANS A-ARE YOU ALRIGHT? WHAT'S THE MATTER?"

"just another nightmare papyrus. I-'m ok." I replied shakier then I would have liked.

"YOU DON'T SOUND OK BROTHER" Papyrus said concerned for my well being.

"I'm ok papyrus really let's get going on patrol." I had said trying to distract him. I had also stood up off of the floor when I said that.

"OK SANS I'LL LEAVE YOU TO GET CHANGED" Papyrus left wearily.

I groggily got changed dreading what's to come but happy and excited that I get to see Frisk, MY frisk and not just some psychotic puppet child trying to end everything I love and care about. So the best way I could describe it is very conflicted emotions battling an endless war in my head, almost splitting my skull at the sutures.

After I changed I had wobbled my way down the stairs just to be scooped up into Papy's arms being carried to my sentry station. Just like how I remembered it. I was feeling a weird sensation inbetween nostalgia and fright. But I'd never show Paps I was scared at least without a believable excuse on hand.

We had finally arrived at my sentry station. I knew that cause he plopped me down behind my little counter thing saying "AND FURTHERMORE" I panicked a little thinking 'he was talking to me this whole time? What was he saying-' "SANS!" I jolted up. "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?" I replied nonchalantly despite my brain feeling like paste, "sorry bro just thinking about my next puzzle" he seemed really happy with my answer. He said "AH FINALLY SANS YOU'RE TAKING MY ADVICE AND ACTUALLY DOING YOUR JOB, JUST NEXT TIME THINK ABOUT YOUR JOB ONCE I'VE FINISHED TALKING THEN YOU'LL BE AS GREAT AS ME!" I chuckled "even if I did no one can be as great as you bro". He paused for a second "YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT BROTHER I AM THE GREATEST!" he struck a pose "NOW REMEBER NO SLEEPING!" he started to walk off as I responded "you got it bro" 'how could I sleep with so much at stake, so much to think and worry about, I really hope everything goes to plan.' I anxiously tapped my fingers on my sentry station waiting for the beginning of this plan. Oh how I feel this dread crawling up my back. Heh it's somehow warm and full of hope. But hope has never done good for me maybe that's why there's dread... I'll just have to wait and see.

*some time has passed*

I was just sitting there at the station almost digging my bones into the soft wood that made it up. I couldn't take it. I got up and teleported to the ruin door and I sat outside of them placing my skull against it just trying to hear anything, anything that resembled life. Anything that resembled my Frisk. I just wanted to see her, I needed to see her. I can't wait another second to make sure she's-

I hear a scream... a scream of pain... of pleading.

It's her. But she told me to- to- she told me...


I teleported in there and screamed "STOP!" I saw a guilty Toriel and a Frisk looking burnt, bloodied and about to fall over. FALL OVER!!!

I ran and caught her "FRISK FRISK COME ON FRISK!" I was so scared. I was shaking her, trying to get her to open her eyes or even just say something. "FRISK!?!?" I saw a hand come into my vision.

A soft but guilty voice said "I'll take care of her." It was Toriel. I was so hesitant. She hurt my Frisk I... I know she didn't do it on purpose. I trust her. I shakily gave Frisk over and walked close behind Toriel. Until she stopped and said "You're the jokester on the other side of the door?" I nodded not trusting my voice to be kind. "Well it's good to meet you but I wish it was better circumstances, I am sorry it seems you know this young girl. I didn't mean to hurt her so badly I just wanted to protect her". I didn't say a word I was too angry. I just want her to be ok. I don't even care about this plan of her's. It's not worth it if she keeps getting hurt like this. I can't keep seeing my love die. She better be ok. I... I can't live like this anymore.

Toriel put her in a bed and said something about pie. I wasn't really listening. I just stared at Frisk just waiting for the moment she either woke up or the world reset. I just want to see her ok for once. It's been so long since the last time I've seen her. I... I just love her so much.

I used my magic to lift her. I then sat on the bed and placed her on top of me so I could cuddle her in my arms and keep her safe. I sat there for I don't know how long just holding her and putting my face in her neck. The anxiety must have gotten the better of me because I didn't even notice the tears till there was a slight blue tint on her clothing where my head sat. But if I'm honest I don't even care right now. I just want her awake. I lifted my head only to see a hand coming toward my head but sadly it wasn't the one I was longing for, it was Toriel's. She was crying as well my skull in one hand and a slice of pie in the other. She let go of my wet face and placed the slice on the ground and waved for me to follow her out of the room. I slowly put Frisk on the bed gave her a peck on the forehead and followed the old goat lady out of the room. I wiped my face down not ready for whatever questions Toriel must be getting ready to ask.

Heyyyyyyyyyyyo and that's the end. Sorry for the long wait but I really like this chapter and I hope you do too. And don't forget if you liked this chapter and want more give me a vote or even comment I love reading them! Thank you and I'll see you in the next chapter byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye. Blade out!!!!!

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