38: Graduation Pt. 2

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Loud, booming music fills the beach venue. It's a hall right on the water that has large floor to ceiling windows that show off the luscious blue waters.

Mine, Kelly, and Brenda's arms are all linked as we enter. Donna, David, Steve, and Andrea follow close behind us. Steve brought a date for Andrea, so she wandered off with her, and truth be told, I've known her for almost two years, and I feel as if I never knew she liked girls. Maybe it's a new thing? I mean, we haven't saw her since Maria's funeral. She took a break from public school and distanced herself from everyone but Brandon. He was the only one she could trust. Kelly was my 'date' to the prom. As her boyfriend and baby daddy didn't come, and I'm single as of now, we're going together.

A party song blares through the speakers and Kelly, Brenda, and I go to the dance floor. Kelly's dancing is sultry and seductive, where mine and Brenda's is more casual party dancing. Like jumping and swinging our arms all over.

A few minutes later, Steve pulls Brenda aside and leaves me with Kelly. Overtime, I've realized I've been picking Kelly up as my best friend. Ever since she discovered she was pregnant, I've found us growing closer and closer.

"You know, Josephine, when we're done here, nothing will change. I've talked with everyone, all of us are staying here. Brandon and I are moving in together, and I've heard Donna mention asking you and Brenda to all split an apartment with her." She says. I never considered it, but Brenda, Donna, and I are going to college together, we could all share an apartment off campus and it would be cheaper than living in the dorms.

"What about Reid?" I ask as we step off the dance floor and pour ourselves drinks.

"He's going to stay with my Mom. I'll still visit him all the time, but my Mom thinks it'll be hard juggling college and having a one year old."She replies and brings her cup to her lips. She turns to me with a smile, but then her smile drops when she sees who walks through the door.

"Josephine. Do not look at the door. He's here." She whispers and takes my hand and pulls me out to the dance floor. Not listening to what my friend is saying, I turn to the door without even looking. I freeze. He's wearing a button up flannel and dark, torn jeans. His hair is slicked back. Our eyes lock. I can't escape.

"Josephine, do you want to get out of here?" Kelly asks and rest a hand on my shoulder.

"I can't keep running away Kelly, trust me, I want to, but I can't keep hiding." I reply and slowly walk toward him. She watches from a distance.

"Hey." I whisper.

"Hi," He replies, "We need to talk about something."

"I know, but I can't do long dista-" I start, but he cuts me off, "I'm not going to school back home. I got accepted to a school here."

My heart sinks, my pulse quickens. In the background, a slow, but poppy song plays. Without saying a word to him. I take his hands. We aren't on the dance floor. We waltz around as if no one is around us. I don't know any other way to respond. The man I cared so much about wasn't leaving me after all. But where will that leave us? I basically pushed him away so quickly, I didn't even give him a chance.

"Please don't stay on my account." I whisper and slowly move away from him. He hastily shakes his head.

"I'm not, you made me realize everything I have is here. Beverly Hills feels more like home than that shitty fishing town ever did. I have my Aunt and Uncle, my cousins, my sister, a big ass group of friends, and I have you. I'm not going to give it all up for some small school in the U.K." He replies. He takes one hand, and slowly moves down to one knee.

"This isn't a proposal, but a promise, that for as long as we both live, I will never let you go or leave you." He whispers and pulls a promise ring from his pocket. I don't know how to reply. I don't remember how to move or breathe. I don't remember how to tell him I love him more than he'll ever know. Slowly, I put my hand out. He slides the ring on.

"I love you."
PART THREE SHOULD BE UP IN A FEW MINUTES! Then only one chapter and an epilogue left in book one! You guys!

I'm shook the FUCKING HOUSE!

Who wants a teaser from book two? Like a sneaky peaky? Continue reading! It'll be at the end of Part Three ;)

Love you all

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