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In the great jungles of Lustria, several Horadrim were carefully making their way through the foliage. They cut down plants and branches, as two carried a long rectangular container. It was intricately detailed, the symbol of the Horadrim marked it on all sides.

"The Lizardmen should be just around here." Said the gravelly voice of a Horadrim, holding a map as an orb of light illuminated it and their surroundings.

Another Horadrim slid down a large branch, jumping down to the ground. "The camp is just ahead, the Norscans from Kraka Drak seem to already have reinforced the Lizardmen."

"Good. We need to get the Soulstone there as soon as possible, before the Wards fail." The gravelly-voiced Horadrim said.

"Yeah. Nurgle's forces inside the Soulstone in the ziggurat shouldn't be released anytime soon. Any orders in particular, Malekith?" Asked the Horadrim, looking to the Horadrim leading them by the end of his question. The male in question was considerably taller, completely covered in armour, and a Death Mask covering his face. He held a large, jagged sword in his hand.

"Once we get there, reinforce our allies and our brethren already there." He held out his hand, casting a spell that summoned what almost seemed like a handheld mirror-sized portal, revealing the sea. A Dark Elf male with what seemed like a fin design on his right shoulder was looking out at the sea. He finally took notice, and looked to Malekith.

"Yes, Lord Malekith?" He asked.

"Malus. Prepare our forces, watch the coastline for any hostile forces. I want your Black Ark ready to deploy at any moment."

"Of course, Lord Malekith." Malus replied, bowing.

"See it is done."

After a minute more of cutting through foliage, the Horadrim emerged to see a large camp. Tall muscular men in fur clothing went to and fro, holding large weapons and circular shields. There were some in full body armour, long fur capes hanging from their backs. There were a few stocky bearded men with rifles, some working the forges.

The ones that stood out the most were the tall blue reptilian creatures, hunch-backed yet still large, holding Aztec-like weaponry and shields. All had long Aztec-looking Halberds, bearing shields in the shape of a nearly-full Moon with decorations and battlefield trophies. They also had helmets fashioned from saurian skulls. These were the Temple Guard, elites of the Lizardmen.

The Horadrim walked towards the Ziggurat, gaining cheerful greetings from those present. Even the Lizardmen bowed, and Malekith could see some of his brethren positioned in the Ziggurat with longbows, armour coloured in green and brown.

The Mapbearer folded up his map, dispelling his light.

After a few minutes of walking down the torch-lit halls within the Ziggurat's lower levels, they eventually came upon two Horadrim guarding a door. Malekith nodded to them, and the two guards pressed one of their hands against two pads on both sides of the door, opening it.

The group entered, the door closing. There were another two guards on the other side of the door.

The Human World

Three Horadrim walked into an ancient temple in an unknown area of Europe. The lead was (Y/N) Anar of Nagarythe, Heir to the Phoenix Throne. Those with him were Aelios of Tiranoc, and Korax of Kar Karond.

They entered the area of the temple once used as a meeting hall. Dozens of marble chairs were set to encircle a large, circular desk with a device in the large space in the middle of the circle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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