Chapter Two

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As your eyes adjusted to the sudden light, you saw what he looked like. His head was a classic red dial phone that seemed almost too big for the rest of his body. He was very lanky, very exhausted. He certainly didn't dress to impress, with his navy-blue long sleeve shirt underneath a red T-shirt. It looked nice on him, though.

"So, do you live here with Vincent or something?"

"God, I'm glad I don't. I've been here enough to know my way around the house. We're friends, kind of." He leaned on the wall.

"Kind of?" You spoke

"We dated a few years ago, and he wanted to be friends after we broke up, so, yeah. It's still awkward to hang around him alone, on my part."

"I can relate. I have this desire to talk to people I haven't talked to in years, to re-establish connections. I radiate awkward."

He laughed and held his arm behind his back, "Yeah - yeah, I guess I do too."

"We should radiate together, you know?" You stretched your arms out, to radiate more, to take up more space.

"So, the lights are on, What're you going to do to that poor washing machine?" He asked, ignoring your question.

"I forgot to put- Someone spilled beer on my shirt, and I really need to wash it. I've had quite the journey tonight." You took your jacket off, then your shirt, and put them both into the washer. Your top half was bare other than your bra, which you didn't really mind. You had the philosophy that no one should be ashamed of showing their bodies. Scott, however, probably didn't have the same philosophy.

"uHHH," He made an awkward, uncomfortable noise.

"What?" You asked, in pretend curiosity.

"What do you mean, 'what'? Aren't you not okay with being naked? I feel weird looking at you." His eyebrows went down, in almost frustration.

"No, it's okay. I don't mind. If anything, I want you to look!" You scrunch your face up quickly, making your words seem like a joke. In all reality, you really wouldn't mind him looking. Truly.

You had a bunch of time to kill, so you jumped up on the counter, to sit on it.

"Check it out, Scott, I've already made you feel awkward. I told you so," You teased, waving your legs around.

"Yeah, you're right. Points to you. But seriously, do you want my shirt or something? It just feels REALLY weird for me to be staring at someone with their shirt off."

You snickered, "No, that's your shirt. I really don't have a problem with it, so you shouldn't either. In fact, you should take your shirt off too."

He grew flustered and took a step back, stammering, "Uh, um, ah-"

Waving your hand, you assured him, "Chill out dude, I was only half joking."

"Half joking? So, what's the- the other half?"

You grew flirtatious, "Oh, I don't know, maybe I think it's only fair. I mean, I have MY shirt off. Plus, I'm curious to see if it's not just your palms wrapped in bandages."

You stopped yourself.

"'Course, you don't have to. I'm just fucking around."

Scott untensed his muscles, "I'm going to go, and I'm going to come back here with three drinks, and I'm going to drink them all, and then I'm going to listen to whatever you have to say." He took a deep breath.

An odd thing to say, but you assumed you knew what he meant. It was so fun to just be.... what? A whore? A teenager? To be playful? Whatever it was, it was great.

Scott did exactly what he said. He downed three drinks, let them hit, and he was all ears.

You gestured for him to come closer to you, which was still sitting on the counter. He stepped forward, his lower stomach matching your kneecaps. You pulled him in more, so he was touching the counter, and you were touching him.

"Hey, Scott, what do I smell like? I'm always nervous about my smell."

He leaned in and smelled predominantly your hair, "You smell like coconut oil and dandruff."

You snorted, "Just as I thought. Can I smell you?"

"Sure," He allowed.

He smelled like a new car. Fresh, mature, clean. How old is this guy?

You wrapped your arms around him, growing hot. He responded by putting his arms around your waist.

"Do you know how to kiss? Because I really want to kiss you right now, but I honestly have no idea how to."

"I don't- I don't really know."

"I'm going to try to kiss you anyway."

You lifted your head up and angled yourself so that you wouldn't poke him with your nose. Well, actually, you were, but it's kind of impossible not to.

"Wait- how am I supposed to kiss you? It's not like you have a mouth."

"Dial," He replied, not doing anything. He just stood there, unmoving.

"This is gonna be awkward," You muttered under your breath, before attempting to kiss him again.

You started by pecking the edge of his dial, the bottom left corner. The kisses spread wider and wider, until you were borderline licking the outer rim of his dial. It was certainly a 'different' experience, but the only thing you were really concerned about was if it felt good to him.

It was kind of like kissing a wall, but you did it anyway.

"I really want to take you home with me. Do you want to- do you want to follow me to my place?"

"Only if you drive," He slumped over and leaned on you, and you led him outside.

"We're gonna walk. It's only a block or two, if that's cool."

"That's fine, yeah," he spoke cooly.

It was a long walk home, but you eventually got him there. You left him on the outside of your window, as you snuck into the house and undid the locks to your window screen, he then climbed into your bedroom, leaving you more excited than ever.

"Are you sober enough to screw?" You grew nervous.

"Yes, I am, yeah," he reassured. He could hold his liquor. 

Author's Note

Gonna be honest, I've never had sex, so I have no idea if this stuff is ever accurate. But I try. Also, gonna be honest, I've never been around drunk people. I think that's obvious. Anyway.

Young Adult [Phone Guy x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now