Rude Awakening

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A lone rider entered the gates of Redmont fief in the late hours of the afternoon, when the sun was just starting to set. As he reached the front gate that lead to the upper town of Redmont that extended as a wall around the castle itself, the guards could make out the emblem of Seacliff Fief on his shirt. He seemed exhausted, and the horse he was riding had foamy sides and was breathing heavily, its head drooping. Normally the messengers from Seacliff rode in slowly and comfortably, with nothing unusual or fabulous to report, and due to the fact that this rider was the complete opposite, the guards let him through without a word. He proceeded to trot up the sloping cobble stones, oblivious to the smell of the market food and the cold autumn air and the many villagers who glanced up from their work as he passed. He rode straight up the hill until he reached the castle entrance and rode through without even a nod to the second guard duty. He reached the main castle courtyard and heaved himself painfully off his horse and limped hurriedly up the stairwell that lead to the Baron's office. The on-lookers watched him, but then dismissed him from their minds and went back to their work.


A sound. Small, faint and far off. But it was definitely there. The sound of a galloping horse was unmistakable. Will's subconscious had spent years learning to recognize and tune out the sounds of the forest at night, and only just recently, Alyss's breathing, who lay next to him in bed. He and Alyss both were presently living in Will's old cabin just outside of Redmont. But as soon as his brain registered that it was indeed a horse and rider, Will's eyes flicked open, but he kept his body relaxed and his breathing steady and soft so as not to startle Alyss. He carefully and silently rose to his elbows on the bed and slipped his feet out from under the blankets and into his boots on the floor, then he slid out from under the covers and smoothed them down, so that none of Alyss's body heat escaped. He padded soundlessly over their bedroom threshold and into the main room of the cabin, where his knives lay in their double scabbards on the table. He slipped the belt around his waist and secured it tightly over the trousers and loose shirt he wore as sleeping clothes, and made his way to the door. He stood right next to the door so that he would be ready whenever the mysterious rider came by. By the sound of it the rider was crunching through the fallen leaves all over the lawn that surrounded the clearing around the cabin. Will heard the rider enter the yard and reign in his horse, and dismounting as he did so. He must be in a hurry, Will thought. He heard a snort from Tug in the stable. It was a warning that someone was coming, but not an alert.

He heard movement from the bedroom and saw that Alyss had gotten out of bed and wrapped a robe around her night gown. She was now creeping quietly towards him, her long Courier's knife held in her hand. Will signaled for her to stay behind him and he leaned against the thick wooden door. Will could tell he was a man from the weight of his footsteps on the deck outside his cabin, and he was definitely not a Ranger, not after the ruckus he made entering the clearing. The man's footsteps reached the door and a few hurried knocks announced his presence formally, although how should he know that everyone in the little cabin was awake and waiting with knives? Yet another confirmation that this man is definitely not a Ranger, thought Will.

After their wedding, Will had been hesitant to move into the castle, and Alyss had gladly moved into the small but cozy cabin with Will, understanding his discomfort at breaking the Ranger tradition of living outside of the castle to maintain the understanding that the Rangers were not under the direct control of the Baron. Now they both lived there comfortably, and normally it was a peaceful and relaxing place, except when there was an intruder outside the door.

Will finally clicked open the latch on the door and opened it to reveal a man at arms from Redmont castle.

"Er, uhm, Ranger Will! Lady Alyss! I - I did not expect you to be awake..." he stuttered, surprised to see both people awake and alert at 1 in the morning.

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