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pleathe leab comments >;(
a/n: above is what Tyler is wearing C:


It's three days after they moved in.
Due to the unexplainable abilities of the Joseph family, their home, cold and hot in different corners, was put together in no time. The boxes, the items, the candles and the gemstones, Samantha's spell books put into the shelves as well as her recipe book, and a book labeled 'INCASE.' Everything unfolded, placed exactly where it needs to be, exactly where it should be.

The three are in a circle in the living room, holding hands, Samantha does this every time they move so they can be protected from the coven they previously fled from. In order to not be found they must use their knowledge to its fullest and create barriers against those who seek their souls, to imprison them in hell for eternity. To be honest, it's not fair.

Tyler doesn't know what his hell is, neither does Katy, since she's only five, but Samantha does.

It was a year ago, in the coven, when Samantha stumbled across a conversation about using Katy as a sacrifice to heal the old coven leader. They explained how they'd chop Katy up, limb by limb, and feed her to the coven leader for thirteen days, by the end of it he should be young again, healthy again, the youth of such young human would have enough to make the coven leader powerful again and ready to start another 2000 year long journey of leading them all.

When Samantha found out she went manic, she tried to kill the coven leader and everyone that tried to touch Katy. This resulted in her being sent to hell for three days.

Tyler won't ever ask what Samantha had to go through for seventy two hours. But it was enough to make her cry for weeks, wake up from nightmares screaming and the coven nearly executed her for not getting better, they threatened to send her back if she didn't behave. She begged them to erase her memory, or kill her.

Tyler asked her one time, a couple months ago. She just smiled and said this.

"It was the worst thing that ever happened to me. But it's also not something I wish didn't happen. I just wish they didn't make me see it over and over, feel it over and over." She peeked in the rear view mirror, at Katy who was sleeping in the backseat. "I'll tell you one day. But not now, not until I feel safe."

That's why they escaped the coven, Katy was in danger and Samantha was about ready to rip everyone's heads off. However, Tyler made the big mistake to grab their most prized spellbook. It consisted of all kinds of dangerous spells that were forbidden centuries ago, too powerful for one person to have. You could wipe out cities with just a few words and blood, quite frankly, it was more dangerous in their previous coven.

They used the book whenever they moved, to cast barriers around them, with deep wounds in their hands and the flaming thirteen candles surrounding them. Tyler always recited the spells, since he was most fluent in Latin, and since Katy was too young and Samantha was in too much distress to try.

"ab intra, (from within)
resurgam (I shall arise)
propria manu (by ones hand)
capax infiniti (holding the infinite)
citius, altius, fortius (faster, higher, stronger)
ex animo (from the soul)
ex luna scientia (from the moon, knowledge)
ex scientia tridens (from knowledge, sea power)
ex undis (from the waves of the sea)
dona nobis pacem (give us peace)."

Their wounds sealed, a gust of wind blew into the home, wiping out the flames as the house began to shake, Katy started crying again. She did every time they practiced this, Samantha just closed her eyes. Tylers eyes went black, burned with heat, little flowers began growing out of his hair, his fingernails began growing, bruising around his wrists formed quickly, but he didn't dare let go, he knew the price that came with casting these spells, good or bad Tyler could take it.

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