{roomates} Party Games

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GAME #1 - Monopoly

Zak felt powerful. He marvelled at his collection of multicoloured cash,  making sure they were all in the right place. Once satisfied, he looked up at his roommates. "Alright, since I'm the banker, I'm in charge."

Darryl opened his mouth to object, but was interrupted by a loud clap. 

"-So Vin gets to roll first," the black-haired boy said, smirking.

Vincent shrugged. He picked up the die, shook it a little bit, and released it in one fell swoop. It was a 7.

The game proceeded almost normally for ten whole minutes. Everyone had passed go three times, and each owned a few properties.

Darryl ended up landing on one of Vincent's properties and was required to pay 250$. He was about to cough up the cash when he noted something peculiar. 

"Heeey, what happened to my other 200? I just passed go, and I haven't used it," he sent a questioning glance towards the banker, who just so happened to be fondling a 200$ bill.

Zak smiled innocently. "What?"

"You stole my money, didn't you?"

"Noooo. I'm a banker, remember! You took out a loan, so now I'm just retrieving what's rightfully mine!"

"Wha- took out a loan!? It's Monopoly, you muffin! You stole my money!"

"You have no proof of that! Why d'ya always accuse me?! When have I ever wronged you!"

"When have you- oh my- you've gotta be kidding me! If I had a dime for every time you wronged me, I would have moved out by no-"


Zak and Darryl immediately silenced. Their attention switched to the french man in the room.

Vincent smiled at the two pleasantly. "How about we find another game?" 


Vincent was about to win. Only two cards left, and all he had to do was wait for his turn. 

After Darryl's turn, Vincent placed his card. "Uno," he said. Completely unaware of the tragedy that was soon to befall him.

It was Zak's turn. The boy had a mischevious glint in his eye.

The french man noticed this. "Uh oh. What's he planning now?"

Alas, Zak revealed his card...

Alas, Zak revealed his card

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The french man's screams could be heard across the country. Even though they were inside his head. The baguette grumbled as he was forced to take another card.

Zak cackled maniacally. "Uno? MoRE LiKE DOS!"


It was Zak's turn. Recalling the torture he'd put his roomies through previously, they were probably going to ruin his life if he chose dare. So he went the wimpy route and chose truth.

Unfortunately for him, Vincent and Darryl were undeterred by his decision. No, if anything, they seemed incredibly smug about it.

"Okay Skep," the french man began, his lips quirking upwards with something akin to murderous intent. "tell us, is it true that you're actually wearing a wig?"

Zak sputtered. Then he stammered. Then he managed, "No, of course not" but by then his credibility had been taken away.

Both of his "friends" burst into hysterical laughter as the poor short guy tried (and failed) to clear his name. "I'M NoT BaLD!"


2:29 a.m.

The trio of half-asleep idots was practically holding their eyes open at this point. 

The moon's ever-glowing light descended upon them, illuminating their tired faces. 

Vincent was watching a horror movie, but it wasn't too effective, seeing as it didn't scare him in the slightest.

Zak was scrolling through his twitter feed, his phone's brightness at full blast.

Darryl was absently petting his little rat. 

Then, a familiar sound filled the air.

"Ddrrrrrrrrrrrrop the base-"

"Oh, CoME oN!" Zak almost threw his phone at the wall. "Be quiet! I'm trying to stay awake here!"

But Darryl was too far gone. He was beatboxing in another dimension.


The winner of the games was actually unknown. Nobody was keeping track lmao. 

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