Chapter 13

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That afternoon, Pearl stayed behind at the motel to give the boys some space. They stopped by a nearby ice cream parlor and ate by the pool in the motel

The two of them sat on the edge and let their feet gently dangle down into the warm water

Greg tried his best to start up conversation. "So how are you feeling?"

Steven gave a nonchalant response. "Okay I guess. I don't know. I'm just scared."

It got awfully quiet for a moment. Neither knew what to say to the other. Then Greg finally came out with the truth

"Steven, I think it's time we look into another solution. Maybe you should be in therapy."

Steven's face quickly turned into a scowl. "What?! Are you serious?! What good is that going to do for me?!"

Tension was rising in the air. "Steven calm down. I know it doesn't seem very practical but at least give it a try."

Steven was now furious. He stood up and started to walk away. "I don't need their help! I have the gems!"

"But that's not going to be enough!" 

"Aaagh forget it! I'm going back to the hotel to be with mom-I mean Pearl." Steven began to kick himself as he had realized what he said. He stopped dead in his tracks and silently stood still

His father got up and walked towards him. He placed a hand on Steven's shoulder. "'s okay. I know you're under a lot of stress. And you're scared of something bad happening. I just want you to know that we'll do everything we can to protect you in case something does happen."

Steven looked up into his father's eyes, took a deep breath, and softly spoke. "Okay. I'll try."

They hugged it out. That is until Steven remembered something. "And just forget I said anything about Pearl."

"Oh don't worry about it. I already know." Steven was very shocked by what he just heard. And a little embarrassed

Once they came to an understanding, they walked back to the motel. For a single day, everything felt right

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