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The next morning had both Genesis and Sephiroth up with the dawn. Conversation was nonexistent as both their minds were occupied by the group they would be meeting later in the day. When they walked into the small sitting room, they were surprised to see Vincent up with coffee already made. "I thought you both might appreciate the boost this morning. The only thing to eat is the energy bars, though. Coffee is the extent of my culinary skills."

Sephiroth wasn't sure what to think of this development but wasn't going to turn down the coffee. He poured a cup for both Genesis and himself before he looked in the small refrigerator for something resembling cream. He was glad to find it, along with a few other basics, including eggs. He poured the cream into Genesis' coffee and handed him the cup before showing both men the eggs. "I'm not great with cooking either, but I learned a few things for survival. If either of you would like, I can cook a better breakfast than energy bars."

Vincent gave him a look he couldn't read, but Genesis' tired face turned into a grin. "There is no hate, only joy, for you are beloved by the Goddess. Is there cheese to add as well?"

Sephiroth couldn't hold back a laugh. When Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal were all together at headquarters at the same time, they would take turns cooking. At least one night a week for each of them, more if they had time. Angeal had been the best cook out of all of them, but they each agreed that Sephiroth's omelets had been the best. "I'll check. If there is, I'll make omelets instead of scrambled eggs."

Vincent watched the interactions between the two. It was hard for him to reconcile what he was seeing with his memories of Sephiroth when they fought him four years ago, not to mention the stories he had heard of Genesis. Neither of them seemed like cold-blooded killers. In fact, watching Sephiroth with an easy smile and her interactions with Genesis caused an unexpected pain in his heart. She looked so much like Lucrecia, especially when she smiled that he couldn't help but miss what might have been if the world had been less crazy.

Sephiroth had noticed the slight shift in the older man but didn't mention it. He wasn't sure why his gaze turned to a slight frown, but thinking about it sobered him with thoughts of the day to come. His somber thoughts couldn't keep a grin from crossing his lips again when he handed the plate of omelets to Genesis. He looked like he had just been given the gift of the goddess herself. Sephiroth laughed at his enthusiasm. "I hope they're as good as you remember. It has been a long time since I've cooked."

Genesis waved off his concern, eating with a flair. "My friend, I have not had something so delicious in ages. I miss... many things, but I am glad to see some things are worth the wait to be rediscovered." His smile faded a little as he was reminded of all the things that were lost. He refused to wallow in self-pity, though. He had already spent more than enough time doing just that and was quite done with it.

The rest of the meal was spent in silence. Vincent had refused the eggs but did take more coffee. When they finished, Sephiroth and Genesis cleared everything away, causing Vincent to send another unreadable look their way. Once it was all cleaned, they followed Vincent out the door. Presumably, they were headed to wherever Reeve had them meeting everyone. It had become a procession as soon as they walked out. Vincent leading, Sephiroth and Genesis following and talking quietly with each other, followed by the two men that had been assigned to guard the room.

They were stopped when they reached the top floor. Reeve was waiting in the hall when the elevator doors opened. "Ah, I was just on my way to look into something. The meeting won't be until this afternoon, so you can do whatever you'd like until then. I can make sure someone gets you beforehand."

Sephiroth wasn't sure if this was good news or not, but he already had an idea of what he would like to do if he had free time. They were all back on the elevator with Reeve when he turned to Genesis, knowing the other two would be listening as well. "Genesis, I was thinking of running through my katas this morning, but if you would like to join me we might be able to spar in the quad."

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