Negotiations and Unexpected Truths

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Chapter 28

Once they were past the barrier, Angeal and Zack guided the others to a spot they could recover. Angeal stood and glared at them while they finished the ethers he had given them before he turned and took out his phone. When he tried to use it though he cursed under his breath and turned back. "The signal is completely blocked. I should have known. Let me step out and I'll be right back. Don't move."

Before he could leave though, Sephiroth spoke up. "Be quick. That opening might stay open until we close it, but we can't be sure."

Angeal gave her a nod and headed back out. He only moved far enough past the barrier to get a good signal. They could all see him clearly and none of them breathed easier until he returned. Once he was back with them, Sephiroth gave him a contemplative look, while she was resting. They could still hear her weariness when she spoke. "When we finish this, Genesis and I may see about removing the green barrier completely. While we were connected to it, we found that it is actually two layers. The top layer is what is keeping us out. The inside barrier is like a greenhouse. It is keeping out the cold and enhancing the sunlight, but otherwise, we should be able to move through it unhindered."

Both Angeal and Zack looked shocked, but it quickly cleared to smiles. It was Zack that spoke up. "That's awesome! I know you guys were really hoping we could keep the plants alive. If we can keep the barrier, that would be really helpful."

Genesis' voice was slightly acerbic when he spoke. "We are so glad you could enlighten us as to why we should keep it."

Angeal gave him a reproachful glare, but Genesis completely ignored it. None of the rest of them even acknowledged the exchange. Zack was used to Genesis' attitude. It had gotten better since they had all been revived, but they all knew it was too ingrained into his personality for him to change it now.

By that time, it had been long enough that Genesis and Sephiroth were as rested as they could be without sleep. They could both still feel the fatigue down in their bones, but it wasn't a feeling they were unfamiliar with. They knew themselves well enough to know they could carry on.

Sephiroth took the lead and led them back down the winding path she had taken when Zilan had first brought her through the crater. It took them nearly two hours to reach the clearing where they had been holding Shelke. They froze at the edge of the clearing when they found that three of the four aliens they had fought were gathered around the bed that had originally held Shelke. The fourth was lying down and covered in the same light. Sephiroth realized immediately that they must have been healing the male and were standing protectively around their incapacitated companion.

Sephiroth motioned the others to stand back and then stepped forward to speak. "We have not come to attack you. I realize you may not trust us, but we are here to negotiate."

The remaining male stepped away from the others. He gave her a bitter look before he spoke. "You have already taken so much from us, but we also realize we are not blameless. We need time to recover, but we will agree to leave you in peace. We need more than your word that you will not attack us again though."

Sephiroth understood their hesitation, but she was heartened by the fact that none of them had moved to attack yet. The two females were giving her hateful looks, but that was another thing she could understand very well. She raised her voice so they could all hear her clearly. "We do give our word that no further harm will come to you if you do not attack. There is much that I would like to speak with you about though, and we can discuss your terms with everything else. For now, Genesis and I will stay with you to show our good faith and the others will return to our companions. They will ensure that no one else enters the barrier until you have left."

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