• Chapter Twelve

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Before anything else I wanna thank all of you guys!!! This book has reached 10k reads!!! Omfg! And still ranking!

Thank you all so much!!

Chapter dedication to Arls101!! Thanks for supporting all my works! You rock!

Hope you enjoy...



I clearly remember the last time I felt this mortified like it was just yesterday. It happened in freshmen year when everyone was total dorks. I and Clace were quite fond of trying out for the school mascot. In middle school, Clace and I talked a lot about how cool it would be inside that huge stuffed animal dancing while the game is ongoing. That year the mascot was a Penguin for the basketball team. It was such a dream come true when they chose me. I was jumping in joy. I was really excited. During those days I felt like being the mascot would be like on top of everything, I mean come on! Being inside that huge animal is the most amazing thing ever! Or not. It didn't matter to me that time if I was popular or not, I just wanted to be a mascot so badly. Clark was sad because they didn't choose him. It was because they let him join the team instead.

In the first game, I was wearing the Penguin suit for the first time in front of the students. I was excited beyond belief. Not until I tripped and dropped my head. Not my actual head, the penguin's head. Exposing my disheveled messy blonde hair from all the sweat I had inside the stuffy mascot. Who knew it would be hell inside there. The laughter that ignited the whole stadium was beyond humiliating. For a year I was labeled as Loise the Penguin and I almost lost all my friends until it disappeared when the new scandal took over.

Now, this. Maybe even more.

I lost the track of time of how long Clace laughed, he is laughing like literally ROTFLMAO. Eventually, he sobered up tough luck though I am red as a tomato. Awesome right? Not.

"You seriously think she's the girl I'm in love with?" He asks in a high pitch tone. Amusement is still dripping from his voice and I just couldn't look at him. I am humiliated beyond comprehension.

I heard him sigh and stand up brushing off his pants from the dirt, but I am looking anywhere but him. I don't have the strength to face him right now. I am mortified and if I had a choice I would run to the hill and never come back. I am begging for the ground to swallow me right now.

"Loise ..." He trails off behind me his tone turning completely serious as if he sensed my discomfort. "I'm sorry...I don't know what's running inside your head for jumping onto that conclusion, and I'm really sorry." He apologizes sincerely. My lip almost hurts from biting so hard.

I feel like shit. I'm the one who should be apologizing. I read an awful lot about his actions without meaning to. Well, who can blame me? He agreed to date her and he didn't mention that Audrey is staying here till graduation. She called him babe and he acted as if it was normal. Furthermore, he never mentioned it not even once a week that he knows. Why can't he just tell who the damn girl is? Okay, this is all his fault after all. If he wasn't so secretive this would never happen. Okay, that doesn't give me all the right to assume things. Maybe this is my fault after all. Damn, I'm confusing myself.

Once again he was answered by silence. I sigh and turn around to face him. Better explain to me then.

"I just thought that she's the one you're referring to, everything just seemed to be connected, you lied to me about her. I thought you're protecting her because you know how much you hated each other and you agreed to date her and she called you babe. So I thought it was her, I mean it's not impossible, she's stunning and everything..." I trail off nervously.

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