• Chapter Twenty Two (pt.3)

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Thank you so much for the cover @longinglouis its fantabulous! I loved it a lot! This chapter is for you! 


Oh god.

I freeze in my steps as I stare at him immobilized, he looks so freaking good! He's wearing a slick black suit and a white button-up shirt open collar, no tie. His blonde hair is pushed back framing his God-like face perfectly.

The suit caught me off guard. I can't get my gaze away as if it is frozen in time. He looks so good that it seems unreal.

His pale blue eyes widen as they lock with mine as his mouth parted.

He is so handsome. Staring at him looking like that feels like seeing him for the first time. My heart skips a beat and like a strike of lightning, I feel the spark ignite deep within me.

I'm in trouble. I'm already in the deep, too deep almost hitting the bottom of the wheel. I slowly let go of the railings and let myself fall.

Shit. There's no turning back now. My walls are crumbling down and I'm making no move to stop them. I'm letting go and taking the risk.

I love him and I want to be with him.

A throat was cleared followed by a flash of bright light igniting and as if the reality just came rushing back, hitting me like a train crash, my eyes widen.

Oh god!! I forgot about the other people. My eyes widen even more as I look around.

There's Carol, who has tears in her eyes despite the huge beaming proud smile on her face not to mention a Nikon DSLR camera in her hand taking pictures after pictures. I guess that explains the bright flash. Ashton and Audrey are here to sharing the same smirk. Gabe, Nick, Dylan, and Haley look proud and shocked at the same time.

My face burns and fifty shades of red crawl up my face as they laugh making fun of us. I mentally kick myself as I hide my face in my palm while groaning miserably.

"See? He is totally dumbstruck!" Vicky says while letting out a weird sound of a snigger behind me pointing at Clace. I finally let my gaze return to him and he too is burning from the embarrassment. His face is so red.

"That was quite a staring contest by the way" Vicky teases and everyone agrees laughing.

Jesus, how long did we ogle each other?!

"More or less five minutes?" Haley answers my thoughts teasingly while grinning widely.

"You said it out loud Loise," Vicky murmurs beside me.

Holy crap! I said that out loud. I groan covering my face again, giving the others the pleasure to laugh even more.

Kill me now.

"Son, stop looking at her and go," Carol says addressing. I look at him and sure enough, Clace seems like he is still floating in La La land. He's still looking at me with parted lips and unblinking eyes.

Everyone laughs when he said nothing until Ashton nudged him in his side as if waking him up.

"Wow." He whispers still looking at me. Everyone laughs again and that seems to finally wake him up as his face burns again.

Wow, I actually stunned him.

"Yeah wow, now go!" Ashton says grinning.

Clace nods at him as he slowly made his way towards me. My heart performs a few backflips and summersaults inside my chest as he takes each step. His eyes slowly lock with mine and he gives me a nervous smile.

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