• Chapter Twenty Six

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Yep an early update hehehe :) touch the orange star please :)



"Tips for surviving the first year of your relationship."

I read aloud and letting out a breath through my mouth and licking the tip of my thumb before I turn another page of my Cosmopolitan magazine.

I know I sound really pathetic but you can't blame me; Who's never had a boyfriend before. I know I should ask my friends for advice and whatnot but none of them has been in a steady relationship. well if you count Dylan as Vicky's steady relationship but I can tell that she is struggling with It as well, she's not too keen on monogamy but she's trying, so she also needed these steps as much as I do, so she's scratch on my list.

I know I'm being paranoid with all this relationship thingy considering It's only been a week since Clace and I got together but I honestly don't know how to make this work. I don't want Clace to do all the effort so here I am. So now It's Friday and tomorrow is Kelly's Birthday Party, maybe that's why I am so tenacious about making this relationship works.

Because somehow I know even though she said she'll stay away I know deep inside her she still wants him. and Jealousy is not good for people It'll make you mean and reckless.

"Number one: Stop picking Fights about things you don't really care about." I read out loud.

Hmm. stop picking Fights, I don't pick fights with Clace, we never fight about very small things honestly. well, we bicker about small things but It doesn't count as fighting right? I convince myself inside my head.

"Number two, be generous compliment-giver...." I proceed.

Hmm. I'm not a compliment giver. at all. It'd be awkward if I start telling him how nice he looks on his pants or how beautiful and luscious his lips are. he'll probably look at me like I've grown two heads. so scratch this. not me. at all. well, Clace is. he always notices little things about me. even though I'm not the prettiest girl out there he never misses to tell me I'm pretty every so often.

So maybe that's Clace's department.

Idiot, it says both ways. you should compliment him more too. just a little appreciation. My inner princess calmly put It down. I stuck my lower lips out in a pout thinking about It.

Hmm, that's... well fine I'll try. I guess.,. I decided.

"Number th--"

"What are you doing?"

I shriek jumping upon hearing a familiar voice. I almost fell off the chair I am currently sitting at in the library. I heard her giggle whilst I turn to look at her and narrow my eyes sending her venomous glare.

"You freaking scared me shitless!" I whisper yelled. Since I'm afraid I'll be kicked out of the library. the grumpy old librarian hated noisy students hence we are in a library so It's proper etiquette to stay silent. Besides the signs on the walls are quite hard to miss.

how did she find me? She never comes here.

"I've been looking for you since forever, why are sitting here in the corner like a loser?" Vicky inquires folding her arm across her chest unfazed by my Glare.

"To hide from inquisitive annoying best friends," I answer sarcastically.

She rolls her eye and sits down next to me.

"Have a seat, since you ask so nicely," I tell her rolling my eye not forgetting to cover the magazine with my palm. I know right? She can totally not see It.

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