|Myasia| My mom gave me and mason some money and dropped us off at the mall. I was currently looking at clothes and getting a few outfits. Mason said I take to long so he went to the shoe store.
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(Outfits) I got a few simple outfits nothing major and some shoes also. I was on my way to the food court to meet up with mason when some big head ass nigga bumped into me making me drop my phone. "Damn ma watch where you going" I didn't get a good look at him but when u heard that I told him nah "ma" If you see Im fucking walking right here go tf around and I walked away. I snapped for one he didn't apologize and two he talking about some damn "ma" if ion know you don't call me that tf.
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(Dre: the guy she bumped into) He was saying something but I kept walking till I made it to the food court. I finally made it and ofc seen my brother being the luh thot thot he is😴 talking to a group of girls. In my opinion they was a luh wacky looking 🥴 but aye that ain't my business. I walked over and this luh heffa gave me a stank ass look. Umm excuse me is there a problem I said to the luh bug eyed luh girl like staring at me and shit BOO MF damn. "Um who tf are you" the luh trick said laughing with her friends I smiled cause I'm thinking ill throw all they luh asses across this food court. "I'm masons older sister also the girl that's gone throw all y'all luh asses across this damn food court, have a nice day" with that I walked away. I ordered me and mason some food and called my mom to come pick us up. • • • •thoughts?